Distant Star

I. Do. Not. Like. Poets.

This was my first impression halfway into the book. I don’t like their worldview, or the way they write about experiencing things. I bet these people would’ve been been miserable to hang out with. As the book opened in the setting of college, something about the mood of this book greatly reminds be of the movie “In the mood for love”. I think theres something very distinct about the tonality of college students hanging out and figuring things out in uncertain political times that seem to transcend cultures.

The question from the lecture was something I was thinking about, even as I was reading the book. I was confused why the narrator referred to these people as poets (Weider, Lorenzo, etc) when their explicit circumstance didn’t consist of writing poetry (lexical art I guess) themselves anymore. I think this ties into the broader question asking if the photographs that Weider showed counts as art. Personally, I think at the core of art is this notion of creation, or birthing something new. In this sense, Lorenzo just living out his life is art, because he is creating all these possibilities despite his limiting circumstance; this notion is what he himself recognizes as ingenuity. In a similar vain, the act of Weider to collect these photos and present them in the way he did was an artistic move. His action birthed this sort of effect, and was meant to be a statement. What precisely he was trying to convey, I am not certain. As I said, I do not like poets and they way they convey experiences. But regardless, it was meant to create a sort of reaction, and doing it the way he did meant something more than just “submitting a document to spread information” and thus in my eyes, it counts as art. Maybe not the images solely, but the act itself. Personally, I am not educated enough about the different kinds of art to make a claim on what kind of artistic category it falls under, but I think a fair point can be made that art often crosses these boundaries and that boundaries often times do not work well in the realm of art.

A question everyone: In your view, what counts as a poet, or what makes a poet a poet? How has reading this book influenced your perspective on this matter?

I, Rigoberta Menchu

As the first non-fiction novel of the list of texts, “I, Rigoberta Menchu” stands out greatly, and has been one of the more challenging reads so far in terms of the content that makes it upsetting to ruminate upon.

This novel recounts the life story of Rigoberta, and divides sections of the chapters based around themes that she has spoken about with an authoethnographer. I find that there are strengths and weaknesses in grouping the information this way. With each chapter surrounding a theme, the impact and narration is so focused that you can’t help but be absorbed in the story. As the audience, this way of telling the story was incredibly immerseful into the life of Rigoberta. The inclusion of her culture’s customs alongside her experiences with exploitation and activism provides solid building blocks into understanding the development of her political consciousness. Understanding the wisdom Rigoberta has learned from her experience allowed me to understand the depth of her activism, which culturally often time seems like an ignited emotional response at mistreatment (deservingly, obviously) and demands the perpetrators to be punished. However, with Rigoberta’s testimony, activism takes a much different perspective, in the form of growth, and a bridging of worldviews that is necessary to undergo change, such as the beginning when she explains how she learned Spanish for herself, or finding solace in the stories of the Bible. These approaches appear much more holistic and intimate to the personal journeys of the activists, and I think it also commends their journeys and growth in a significantly profound way, that takes into account the nuances of their situation. I agree wholeheartedly with the authoethnographer’s praise about Rigoberta’s bravery, because being self-conscious to the degree that Rigoberta is about her mental development through all these experiences is incredibly hard.

On the other hand, because each chapter is heavily centred on a theme, certain issues pertaining to earlier chapters were suddenly gone in later chapters. For example, in earlier chapters all members of Rigoberta’s family would be breaking their backs working just to get an abysmally small pay at the end of the day and suffer malnutrition and hunger, but this issue with income wasn’t consistent in later stories when Rigoberta would travel to other villages and teach them self defence, where making an income and finding food didn’t seem to be a prevalent concern anymore. I think having the narration be organized and carried out like this somewhat contributes to the feeling that Rigoberta’s testimonies may be doubtful, beyond the fact checking done to her background. But much like Jon said, the malleability of her story does reveal the agency she has, especially with her expertise in secret-keeping.

Lastly my question is: After hearing about the contradiction between Rigoberta’s account and the people who looked into the background of Rigoberta, how has the feelings towards her story changed for you? Do you believe her, and what is you take away from the novel now that this has come to light?

Captain Pantoja and the Secret Service

Reading the first few pages of this novel already made me nauseous; needless to comment on the rest of the book which was only more and more outrageous as it went along. From the descriptors of the maths that are required to run a brothel, to completely grotesque descriptors about Captain Pantoja’s hemorrhoids, or cult like activities of sacrificing humans. The content was abhorrent, although the writing itself was quite interesting.

One thing I do appreciate is the changing form of writing format, for a letter, to a mission report (?) to just a dated narration. The different formats that is utilized adds so much dimension to each characters perspectives and their jobs. With each format change, the language also changes drastically, which is not always achieved across authors, so it was quite impressive that the tone of the story shifts so much depending on what context you were hearing it from. I personally enjoyed the bits where you would jump back and forth between 2 situations; I could visualize it like a movie with its jump cuts and I thought the effect of that choice was very special.

Regardless, I find the way the book deals with the subject matter a bit alarming, since there is a certain sense of dehumanization when describing the prostitutes and women broadly, and I think that might raise some red flags about the way this book was intended as “comedy”. I know of many people, on justifiable grounds, who wound find this completely inappropriate, and I think that is why “black comedy” remains controversial. To some degree, I recognize that might be the point of this book, as I have read that the author had his work based on facts, but it is still appalling to see sex work described as going on “convoys” or taking about servicing 20 men a day as if it’s just a statistic. The only image I have from that is a woman tired out on a mattress, just used, waiting for it to start over again and again and again. Frankly, I can’t find anything comedic about that. The depiction of the circumstances of the prostitutes weren’t depicted all disingenuously though; even at the core of these stories, its made clear that poverty was the root cause of prostitution, and that only coupled with the abhorrent conditions they are forced to work in, whether in slave-driving brothels, or walking door to door with no semblance of security in their jobs. Thats why it wasn’t only a steady stream of money that allured the prostitutes to join the secret service, but also the respect that is given with the position. In this sense, the novel reminds us about these real events in history and provides a thought provoking depiction of it.

Lastly a question to all: what do you think the broader significance of the cult was, with the place it has within this story?

Until next time,


Part 2: One Hundred Years of Solitude

Jon was right, the ending of the book was such a shattering surprise. Now looking back at the entirety of the novel, magical realism is done here like no other, and I certainly cannot imagine any book written of a similar nature that can even live up to, much less overtake the writing of Garcia Marquez. In my opinion, this book is undisputed as a must read and deserves an immortal place in the literature canon. Another thing I have noticed now is how intentional his method and style of writing is. Having read his other works allowed me to realize that the narration and writing style of Garcia Marquez isn’t exactly fixed, and much of the magic encapsulated in “One Hundred Years of Solitude” is actually restricted, and thus intention to this novel solely. This is to say that its design choices were much more conscious than I would imagine. I think this book has a very solid place in being one of the best books I have read so far not just in this course but in life general, although I would hesitate to describe it as one of my personal favourites, just based on the contents and extravagancy of the book but would rather call it a must read. To some degree, reading the words on the page is almost like reading the title to news articles- you anticipate it and no doubt value its significance but you wouldn’t really say that you love reading the news.

To pick up on last post regarding characters, I have stated that the one that stood out to me the most is Ursula. I think her significance to me is almost the concentrated essence of female characters and the overarching role of women in the show. In some sense the role of women may be established in this book due to the repetitions in circumstance that characters find themselves in, thus maybe the role says less about the idea of women, as much as it is another symptom of repetition. But regardless, a new character has taken place over Ursula as the one that stood out to me most- Remedios the beauty. Because what even was that. I guess the fate of those named Remedios is broadly described as being “taken away” whether from mysterious illness, a mental hospital or the heavens themselves. But either way, I think her existence is an outlier.

As a hilarious side note, I have been describing the plot  spottily to my boyfriend, and he is vaguely aware of the general themes of this book. So to clarify the characters to him, I decidedly showed him the family tree, to which he responded with “I expected the family tree to be drawn in a circle”. I think that is a worthwhile note that the editors and translators of the book can take into account.

To finish, a question to you all: What do you all think about Remedios the beauty and everything that happened to her?

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