Response to Darren Zackus’ Blog “The Magic of the Name”
Oct 9th, 2011 by kevmason
Harry Potter has become a household name across the world since its first book – The Sorcerer’s (or Philosopher’s) Stone – was released in 1998. Since then, the Harry Potter franchise has been a huge success. Now that the series is coming to an end with the final DVD/Blu-ray release of the final Harry Potter movie, what will happen to the magic? Darren Zackus talks more about that in his article “The Magic of the Name – Will the Harry Potter marketing machine survive now that the books and films are done?”.
There are so many die-hard Harry Potter fans out there, the franchise couldn’t just die off. However, with the upcoming release of “The Hunger Games” (said to be the next generation of Harry Potter), the magic of Hogwarts may begin to fade away. Much like the beloved “Lord of the Rings” trilogy and “Star Wars” series, Harry Potter will be ranked amongst the beloved classic novels/films of the generations. It would be expected that all three of these classic series would eventually hit the big screen again decades down the road: much like how King Kong, Superman, Batman, and other previous classics decades ago have become a huge success now.
The franchise will just have to wait for a new generation to introduce the magical world of wizardry. Though the Potter excitement may die down over the years, and you may not religously watch Harry Potter movies twice a week or read the series 10 times over, the magic will still live on.
But, do you truly think that it will die out, as Harry Potter is the only movie franchise to get its own theme park, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which is going to expand over the next few years, will it not continue to boom like Disney and keep on generating money no matter how old the films are? Look at Disney classics such as The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, which are still highly profitable in the theme park and have been (or scheduled to) be re-released in 3D in movie theaters and still dominating the box office over new films that have not been seen before.
(Side Note: I hope you weren’t referring to me when you said “religously watch Harry Potter movies twice a week or read the series 10 times over” Kevin, because that is not a very accurate description of me! And I’m offended that the Philosopher’s Stone title is in parentheses as that is the original title, not the American title you are giving the priority too!!)