Possibly the Most Memorable Ads on the Internet
Mar 31st, 2013 by kevmason
Thank you AdWeek’s AdFreak for another terrific find! Sorry, correction: finds!
Increasingly the ever-so-popular “prank” ads have barraged our televisions and internet usage through hilarious pranks that promote a single product at the very end. These memorable commercials are a must see! But how come commercials like this go viral so quickly compared to others?
First off, it’s something new and exciting. The themes are so ridiculous they’re hilarious at times, and it creates a little bit of excitement in the viewers’ eyes to wonder “what would my reaction have been?”.
Second, though our eyes glance ad advertisements and logos at every waking moment, these ads go above and beyond the expectation we would have about the everyday advertisement! Take the NIVEA Deo StressTest for example; it would take a lot of effort for these marketers to arrange such an ordeal in an extremely professional manner to pull this off successfully. That’s what makes these commercials so outstanding: it’s their ability to make the viewer go “wow”.
Advertisements seem to get bigger and bigger as society and technology improves. And the most memorable and successful commercials have come from those who put the biggest efforts in creativity, dramatic/comedic appeal, and general ridiculousness. These prank ads and the Old Spice commercials are a prime example of these.