Monthly Archives: July 2014

What I Brought Back

Field experience

IMG_20140624_143310This spring I was involved in a three week Community Field Experience at O.U.R. Ecovillage. The Ecovillage is a demonstration site that focuses on permaculture and natural building methods. The Ecovillage welcomes all learners whether they are in kindergarten, or a PhD program, or a member of the general public who wishes to know more. IMG_20140615_085439My time was divided into teaching, lesson planning, and participating in the building and permaculture activities. My particular interest was in the gardens and green houses where I learnt about methods of growing, harvesting, and tending to both annuals and perennials. I hope to incorporate my new found love into my role as an educator in the future.


This Field Experience was important to me because I believe in experiential learning, where students can connect with the environment. When learning is taken beyond the textbook, students have been shown to show more motivation and enthusiasm towards the subject matter.