Techniques + Technology

We are not completely hopeless when it comes to trying to prevent landslides and mitigate the risk to communities. The following list of techniques and technologies is a summary of commonly used methods for landslide mitigation, adapted from A Guide for Management of Landslide-Prone Terrain in the Pacific Northwest (Government of BC, 1994) and The Landslide Handbook— A Guide to Understanding Landslides (USGS, 2008). It is highly recommended that these documents are referred to for those who require more detailed information. Other useful online resources are provided for many of the techniques and technologies. An engineer or geologist must be consulted before any of these mitigation methods are implemented.

Earth Slope Stabilization / Mitigation

Rock Slope Stabilization / Mitigation

Debris-Flow Mitigation

Profession Opportunities

Landscape Architects

  • Small scale excavation
  • Drainage away from high risk areas
  • Retaining walls
  • Strengthening slopes
  • Vegetation
  • Design for human and non-human experience

Planners / City Officials

  • Maintenance of hazardous material (i.e. loose rocks and wildfire fuel)
  • Education and information for business and home owners


  • Large scale excavation
  • Strengthening slopes and rockfall areas
  • Basins, check dams, and retaining walls
  • Safe catching techniques
  • Consulting with city officials and architects

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