September 9th Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes from the September 9th meeting.

LASSA Minutes 9-9-13

Library and Archival Studies Student Association

2013-2014 School Year Meeting #1
Date: September 9, 2013
Location: SUB 212
In attendance:
Grace Romund (MLIS Co-President)
Kate Clayborne (Secretary)
Matthew Murray (Webmaster)
Adena Brons (Dual Member-at-Large)
Michael Wynne (MLIS Member-at-Large)
Sehdeep (Roohie) Kaur (MLIS First Year Rep)
Brianna Gormly (MAS Member-at-Large)
Stephanie Dror (MACL Representative)
Tracy Leung (Faculty of Arts Representative)
Helen Halbert (AMS Representative)
Mitchell Meler (GSS Liason)

Regrets (Excused):

Jordan Hatt (Treasurer)
Sheena Campbell (Events Coordinator)


Meeting called to order by Grace at 12:05 PM.

1. Process for Sending Regrets
A. Exec members were reminded that they must send regrets to either Grace or Kate in advance if they are planning to miss a meeting. Per the LASSA Constitution, executive members may have more than three unexcused absences and maintain their good standing.

2. Mailing List Issues
A. Not all members of the exec received the announcement of this meeting. Grace will add the LASSA-exec list to the general LASSA mailing list to ensure this does not happen in future.

3. Approval of Minutes from last meeting
A. Amendment: add Tracy Leung to “Present” list.
All in favour, no objections. Motion passed.

4. Welcome Back from President
A. Summer Update
a. There has been no in-person LASSA activity since March. Fall orientation was planned via email by the exec.

5. Overview of Orientation/Potluck
A. Orientation
a. The Q&A portion of orientation was cancelled due to timing of pizza arrival, leading to a very informal and relaxed event.
b. Grace will speak to core classes this week with a hand-out including resources and contact information in case the new cohorts have questions as the term progresses.
c. Grace will also send an email out to the LASSA list on the topic.

B. Potluck
a. Due to the RCMP placing a hold on liquor license applications for the date of the potluck, SLAIS was unable to obtain a license. As ACA had already planned a pub night to follow the potluck, this was seen as a satisfactory solution and the date of the potluck was not changed.

6. Review of Open Executive Positions
A. The following executive positions are still open: MAS Co-President, MAS First Year Representative, MAS Member-at-Large, PhD Representative.
a. As the PhD Representative position is often open and no PhD students have shown an interest when approached by the LASSA exec, this is not a pressing concern.
b. In light of the lack of representation of MAS students on the exec, these positions will be brought up again to students in the Archives core.
B. The following committees have open student representative positions: Curriculum Committee, Admissions Committee.
a. Grace and Roohie are currently serving on the Accreditation Committee.

7. Nomination for Open Executive Positions
A. Michael Wynne is appointed to the Curriculum Committee, dependent on meeting times.
B. Roohie is appointed to the Admissions Committee, dependent on meeting times.
C. Brianna Gormly nominated for MAS Member-at-Large
a. All in favour, none opposed. Brianna Gormly is elected as MAS Member-at-Large.

8. Program Evaluation Project Survey
A. Grace was contacted by Judy Saltman regarding the accreditation process. As LASSA is an organization independent from SLAIS, our PEP surveys lend credibility to the school.
a. The last PEP survey was completed in 2010-2011 school year. Past surveys are available on our website to view. They have generally been done in the spring, at the end of the academic year.
b. The PEP surveys were put on hold due to the workload involved in putting together the survey and report.
c. There was a call for the formation of a LASSA committee to revisit PEP surveys.
i. Helen put forward the question of whether the survey design and report could be done by a SLAIS student as a Professional Experience project.
ii. General consensus is that it may be worth looking into further. The matter will be revisited at the next LASSA meeting.

9. LASSA 2013-2014 Events
A. Reaccreditation Information Meeting
a. On October 21 in SUB room 209, there will be a panel session and lunch regarding the ALA reaccreditation process. It will be open to all students. More information will be released in future. If the exec receives any questions regarding accreditation, they can refer other students to Grace or Roohie.
B. TRC Events
a. Truth & Reconciliation Commission:
i. Wednesday, September 18th, UBC classes are cancelled for TRC Vancouver events. Lisa has asked for LASSA to coordinate a way for SLAIS students to attend together.
• Grace will contact Lisa as to best times for students to attend during the day.
• Details on this event are available on the TRC Vancouver website.ii. The Walk for Reconciliation will be held Sunday, September 22nd from Queen Elizabeth Plaza to Science World, beginning at 8:30 AM.
• Grace will be registering a SLAIS team, which students can then sign up for. Many departments at UBC are already taking part. There is no cost.
• Grace will make this announcement when she speaks to the core classes as well.
C. LASSA’s Twitter Account
a. LASSA’s account is now being used. Students are encouraged to follow it for updates. (
D. Pub Night
a. As the ACA pub night was successful, we may do more. Grace will talk to Sheena about planning.
E. Panel on Publishing & Distribution
a. Proposed by Anna Ferri, ALA Co-President, as joint endeavour with ALA.
i. ALA will be discussing this at their meeting, and we will revisit at a future LASSA meeting.

10. New Business
A. Official Course Feedback
a. Students are wondering if there is a way to give official feedback on courses they are unhappy with prior to end-of-term courses.
i. It was suggested that students speak with their faculty advisors or the ombudsperson for recommendations.
ii. Grace will bring this up at her next meeting with Mary Grenier.
B. MACL Student Conference
a. MACL runs this conference every two years. It will be held in Spring 2014.
b. There will be a meeting Friday, September 13, 2013 at 5 PM to begin planning.
a. Helen will send information regarding this event to be posted on the calendar.
a. There will be an event led by Lisa Nathan and Kim Lawson of Xwi7xwa Library on September 12th at 10:30 AM in the Dodson Room. They will provide instruction for UBC librarians on answering questions regarding residential schools. SLAIS students are welcome.

Meeting was adjourned by Grace at 12:50.

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