LASSA Minutes 4-7-14

Library and Archival Studies Student Association
2014-2015 School Year Meeting #1
Date: April 7, 2014
Time: 11:00
Location: Trail Room

In attendance:
Kelsey Ockert (MLIS Co-President)
Nicole Askin (Secretary)
Adena Brons (Dual Member-at-Large)
Michael Wynne (AMS Representative)
Mitchell Meler (GSS Representative)
Nichole DeMichelis (MLIS First-Year Representative)
Inti Dewey (GSS Representative)
Matthew Murray (Webmaster)
Regrets (Excused):
Monica Swamiraj (Events Coordinator)

Roohie Kaur (Treasurer)
Chris Stephenson (MLIS Member-at-Large)
Alamir Novin (PhD Representative)

Meeting called to order by Kelsey at 11:06.

1. Approval of Minutes
A. March 24, 2014
a. No revisions were received.
Michael moves to approve. Inti seconds. All in favour, none opposed. Motion passes. Minutes for this meeting will be approved by email rather than waiting until September.

2. Meeting planning
Proposal to hold meetings in the Trail Room for next year rather than in the SUB will be explored further depending on availability.

3. Events
A. Potluck: low staff attendance, but otherwise well-received.
B. Executive Orientation: Roohi and Kelsey will be planning this event with AMS

4. New Business
A. Bulletin boards: Kelsey proposes having a LASSA bulletin board for next year listing positions and emails (if comfortable).
B. Proxies: Inti suggests that there should be the potential for proxies for GSS/AMS meetings where designated members cannot attend. Kelsey agrees but wants to postpone dealing with this issue until September.
C. Funding: Inti notes that SLAIS has asked for input on the spending on funds for the upcoming year. A coatrack is in the works; there is also the potential for acquiring new software or hardware. Kelsey proposes Raspberry Pi, which Matthew notes ASIST is already planning to purchase. Matthew proposes a touchscreen monitor for the student space that will display the events calendar, or a Maker Lab with 3D printer.
D. Transition: Most members have written and/or received appropriate transition reports. Nicole points out that the first-year rep position is listed on the website as non-voting; Kelsey plans to look into this. Adena proposes having ongoing reports available on Google Drive updated as needed to avoid having to reinvent reports every year.
E. LASSA Awards: at the previous meeting Matthew had proposed creating awards to recognize deserving faculty, staff, and students, managed by LASSA. He suggests soliciting nominations via email. Nichole proposes a criterion of contribution to student life. Adena proposes an online poll to determine recipients; Matthew plans to create a Google Form. Kelsey wants to discuss the issue with SLAIS admin prior to sending out emails. In terms of prizes, Matthew proposes creating a 3D printed award.
F. Orientation will be planned by email over the summer.
G. Representatives: MACL Rep will be voted in during first September meeting. There will be continued efforts to increase MAS student engagement with LASSA, including if possible to location of appropriate representatives to fill empty positions.

5. Feedback from last year
Kelsey solicits feedback regarding the functioning of LASSA from last year and how best to approach this going forward. Nichole expresses a need to make LASSA accessible to students on an ongoing basis. Inti praises the Halloween party, but there are issues with funding for the upcoming year; Nichole offers to help plan a similar event next fall, and Kelsey plans to liaise with Monica on the topic. Michael promotes LASSA transparency when possible to increase student engagement and reduce the load on individual exec members.
Meeting was adjourned by Kelsey at 11:43.

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