This week’s readings on caudillos and Ecehverría’s “The Slaughterhouse” were very interesting and thought provoking. My group is going to be doing the section on Cuadillos for our video project, so I thought I’d get a head starts and look more into some stuff about caudillos. The term caudillismo has generally meant a system of political-social domination, is based on the leadership of a strongman,” while caudillo was used to describe the head of irregular forces who ruled a politically distinct territory. Even today, Caudillos have become present in America’s history, once again, with the Republican candidate for the United States Presidency, Donald Trump. People relate his braggadocios ways ad disdain for the rule of law to that of the Latin American politics of caudilloism. While the rule of caudillos was not always beneficial to the people themselves, the new social and political systems that fell into place after the revolutions paved the way for the next generation of dictators who would come to the rule and shape it into the Latin America we know today.