
A Recognition of Ivan Head’s Life and Legacy

will be held on

Monday, December 13, 2004, 4:30 – 6:00 pm

in Sty-Wet-Tan (Great Hall), First Nations Longhouse
The University of British Columbia
1985 West Mall, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z2

All are welcome to attend.
RSVP Accepts only to UBC Ceremonies Office
E-mail: ceremonies.office@ubc.ca. Phone: 604-822-2484

There will be a Book for guests to sign on the day
or if you cannot attend,
letters can be sent to the UBC Ceremonies Office
for forwarding to the family.

In lieu of flowers, the family has requested
that donations be made to either:

The Ivan Head South-North Chair, UBC
Contact: UBC Development Office, 6253 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver BC, V6T 1Z1
Attn: Michelle Messinger 604-822-8904
SOS Children?s Villages Canada
Contact: 200 ? 244 Rideau Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 5Y3

Closest parking is available at the Fraser River or West Parkade
(For map, go to www.maps.ubc.ca)

UBC Ceremonies Office, 2029 West Mall, Vancouver B.C. V6T 1Z2

[more information about Ivan Head at http://careo.elearning.ubc.ca/weblogs/lawlib/archives/009306.html]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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