Law students and faculty: have your say! Test collaborative technology being considered for library group study rooms.

Please come by the Law Library (the main floor of the library, near the window facing west) to test and comment on media:scape Integrated Technologies.

Bring your laptop/iPad/similar device (please bring VGA adapters for Apple devices as well) to see how media:scape merges furniture and technology to help teams quickly and easily share information -across the table or across the globe.

Open the media well and remove a Puck™
Connect the Puck™ to your laptop/device
Share what’s on your laptop/device by pressing the Puck™

We are considering using this technology for the group study rooms in the new library.

Please note that videoconferencing would be an option, as would two parallel LCD panels.

The trial is for a limited time only (approximately 2 weeks), so don’t miss the opportunity to test it out!

For more information about media:scape technology, click here.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Library





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