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Replying to Comments

If a comment is posted directly from a Learning Commons page, an email notification will be sent to the admins and the page author. However, no email notification will be sent when a comment is replied from the back end of WordPress.

Reply publicly:
On the Dashboard, comments are listed under the “Recent Comments” area. Mouse over to the one you want to reply to and click on “Reply”. Another way to do this is to click on the “Comments” tab on the left sidebar of the Dashboard and select “Reply” on the comment that you want to reply to.

Reply privately:
No options are directly available on WordPress for replying comments privately. Therefore you have to reply via email. To find the email address of the author of a comment, click on the “Comments” tab on the left sidebar of the Dashboard. The email address are right below the author’s name on each comment. After you reply privately, let others know that the comment has been replied. To do this, go into “Edit” of the comment that you’ve replied to, and add the line “Replied privately by (your name goes here)” to the author name field.

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