
Begin by Looking at Building Blocks

As you examine these sites, analyze where and how you see intentional decisions being made about media making and sharing. Consider the media triangle to guide your eye – look for examples under each category of TEXT, AUDIENCE, and PRODUCTION (see the graphic diagram with related key terms and concepts on the website for the Association for Media Literacy, Canada). Since blogs and blogging are media productions, being aware of these media literacy concepts can provide insight for your blogging practice.

Let’s start by looking at some examples of educator blog sites to see what we see (or don’t see). What building blocks to you notice on these sites that may be blocks for you? Are these WordPress sites? How can you tell?

  1. Living Avivaloca by kindergarten teacher Aviva Dunsinger
  2. Ms Cassidy’s Classroom by Moose Jaw educator Kathy Cassidy
  3. Jennifer Casa-Todd – blog and website are integrated
  4. Culture of Yes by West Vancouver system leader Chris Kennedy
  5. Fun in Fourth – site of BC teacher Angela
  6. Brielle Lalonde – OpenEd.ca WordPress e-portfolio and blog site by educator Brielle Lalonde

Let’s curate some notes about our observations on this OpenEd.ca Sandstorm Etherpad site since you don’t need a password or an account to participate. USE THIS LINK to access the Etherpad set up for this activity.

Next Page: Where to WordPress