Monthly Archives: May 2020

New to Learning Design

This is a great space to capture some thoughts about learning design as I begin working with the University of British Columbia as a learning designer. I’ve been doing learning design throughout my career but this is the first time I have this name in my job description. I’ve spent this first week on the job – virtually that is – since we are all still working from home locations due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. This is one of the reasons I even applied for the position, knowing that I could manage this work from within the safety and security of my own space.

My previous UBC blogging experiences

Inspired by this Design for Learning blog site

Spirals of learning – journal articles in

seaside town in Italy

Where to begin

I’m now wondering where to begin in this journey toward learning design for online teaching and learning. There are so many options and so many ideas – how do I filter through them to find the ones that fit for me?