six shots two guns

It’s that time of year when everyone cares about all of the movies, but this isn’t a post about any movie in itself. The Golden Globes are on right now, too, but this isn’t a post about that, either. Mostly because award shows really frustrate me – someone needs to give Leo DiCaprio an award for something, seriously, this is getting ridiculous, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg of Things That Make Me Angry About Award Shows.

I went to see Django Unchained last week and it is one seriously wonderful movie. It’s quick and funny and brutal and has the only ending that could ever have worked, and it’s not perfect, there are things to pick at, but man does it ever get close. But this post isn’t about that. I just want to talk about how wonderful the soundtrack to Django is.

The soundtrack moves between period-appropriate country-ish music, some beautiful jazz-y blues tracks, and a whole lot of fantastically anachronistic hip hop. The cutting of the soundtrack with the pictures is perfection, but the soundtrack on it’s own is a seriously perfect piece of work.

I am a soundtrack kind of person; I listen to them a lot when I’m studying.  Django kind of blows all of my favourites out of the water. That’s Tarantino for you, though, right?

Tips for when you get sick on campus: DON’T

I have been back on campus for a week now (a WEEK, man, why does UBC start this early?) and yet I have not posted. Why, do I hear you cry? Because I got sick and it was debilitating and I survived and now here I am. Blogging.

It wasn’t really that bad, just a fever/cold/cough/ache/thing, but it sucked because nothing sucks more than getting sick on campus. And I really love a moan, so let me just moan for a second about how the Totem caff’s food is truly unappetising when you’re sick, you can’t focus on the readings for all the classes you’re supposed to be going to, and no one is there to tell you to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get to class already.

But I am trying to think of positives to being sick, for this post would otherwise be a pointless one, so here are three things that got me through the sickness:

  1. Magda’s – if you’re a Totem Park resident, you and Magda will already be firm friends, and for anyone who doesn’t know what Magda’s is, it’s the 5:30-11:30pm grill and mini-market in the Totem Park commonsblock. But while I was sick I didn’t exactly fancy chicken strips – Magda’s do, however, stock a small but relatively comprehensive range of medicines for your every cold/flu/cough/stomach bug related need. Wunderbar.
  2. Netflix – the wonders of a ruined attention span because of a fever don’t matter when you have a whole catalogue of movies and shows to watch. And it’ll even keep your place for later if you decide (like I did) that The Hour is just too high-brow watching for your brain right now and switch to Clueless! Netflix doesn’t sponsor me – I wish – but if it did, I couldn’t love it more than I already do.
  3. Warm things – endless blankets, pajamas, insane amounts of tea (and, not a warm thing, but the amount of orange juice I have drunk in the last few days must be record breaking. Be boosted, my immune system! Boosted!), soup, sweaters (or jumpers to little old British me), and the heating turned up for the first time since I got here. Warm things, guys. They make the world go around and they make lives better.

(If you promise not to tell anyone I will reveal to you secret no. 4: that boyband I have to pretend not to like because I am too old to be their target audience brought out a video this week, and it is, at once, insane, ridiculous, and delightful. We will speak no more of it.) (One Direction are a plague on my existence. You think I’m not serious. I am deadly serious.)