Getting the Gist of It

Confession #1707: “I’m a freshman and I only cried twice. This week.”

Posted by in ASTU G01

University confessions, and other forms of “confession” pages, have become ubiquitous on Facebook and social media as a whole. As their popularity suggests, they can be seriously entertaining. The UBC Confessions page, which has an impressive 16,526 likes, encourages students to “inbox us your most heart felt, disgusting, hilarious, filthy, and embarrassing confessions from UBC!”, assuring that “they will be posted ANONYMOUSLY on [the] page.”  The title of this blog post is an example of such. Anonymity is clearly a major motivator for contributors, for it provides a means to reveal controversial,…read more


Sharing Stories; Shaping Societies

Posted by in ASTU G01

While scrolling through my Facebook News Feed the other night (a pastime I’m sure many of us are privy to) I happened across a post which linked to a TED Talk that beautifully illuminates how people, especially those who find themselves in the wake of adversity, possess the power to change the world simply through telling their stories. What I learned inspired me to write this post, as it pertains to many of the topics we will be discussing throughout the year. The talk in its entirety is truly enlightening,…read more


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