Windows and Mirrors.

This is my last post as a reporter for LFS 350 for this year. I’m excited to see what things change as years go on and if this blog will be well maintained in the future. As a reflection on the overall course, I’ll be taking my time to really break down what I feel about the course and things I’ve personally learned. I’d like to thank Masoumeh the chance for giving me opportunity to be a reporter. I should warn readers that I’ll be including both positive and negative views about the course, and my experiences as part of group 21 and as a reporter. My entire views can be summed in two words: Windows and Mirrors, which I’ll be explaining below. Throughout the post I’ll also be using many of my own photos to illustrate my thoughts so I’ll hope that you’ll enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking and processing them. Lets begin!


Seeing both floors and the paths in between. Not just one floor.

The LFS series of courses began for me back in LFS 250. This is probably because I barely paid attention back in LFS 100. In hind sight I’m really thankful I passed that class. But back to he main topic, LFS 250, gave me the first look into what LFS “really meant”. Coming from Alberta, a province that thrives off Oil and Gas, and from a conservative home and school, I rarely took time to consider the finer details of the larger picture. Much more though, I never considered “food” to be an issue greater than “food security”. I was really amazed to see all the dimensions of food issues and the causes of each. LFS 350 further gave me new information about food. Interesting as it was, I still often found it hard to relate to the knowledge the many FNH or Dietetics students in the class. Being an applied animal biology major, I was often confused or blind to the facts when it came to nutritional disparities or discussions about the importance of specific nutrients. But this overall, I feel didn’t take away from my LFS 350 Experience.

To see different perspectives of even the most simple things.

The LFS 350 class, and my project continued to immerse me into a world I before never really understood. My group project dealt with creating a survey based on food knowledge, so needless to say I learned a lot. Many of the readings were based on the foods or systems focused on addressing food concerns, all of these helped me understand and see more perspectives. As cherry to the sundae, I was granted the opportunity to be a reporter and was able to see what many groups were doing. Worlds and scenes and ideas opened up to me, like curtains removed from a window. From the inside, I started to look outwards at all these ideas. I started to look through the windows of my previously formed views. Ideas I’ve closed curtains to in the past, re-emerged with scenes of intrigue. Furthermore having an opportunity to work on projects allowed me to open the door and experience these different things I saw through the windows. But alas, I can’t spend all the time outside, so I at this point in the term, I return inside to find only mirrors facing me.


My mental mirror, a pen and a pad.

Reflecting, is the first word that comes to mind when most people thing mirrors, and as cliche as it is… thats exactly how I feel. Aside from having all these new views and experiences laid at my food step, I had also found the need to reflect and see what parts of this grand picture was relevant to me and to see the highs and lows of the process. I guess with any reflection, more often than not, the negative ideas are easier to see than the positive. Such was the case as I reflected on the term thus far.

More often than not, I felt displaced, not excluded… displaced. My animal biology major led me to feel disconnected from the majority of the nutrition class. This feeling further intensified as my group was all nutrition students as well. The group and class as a whole was warm, and welcoming, but in the end, being a person lacking some shared knowledge, it is inevitable I felt displaced. The feeling of belonging slowly returned to me as the term went on, until CSL hours were enforced. I am really happy and thankful to be reporter, but being a reporter further displaced me from my team as I started being responsible for different things than them. This caused a sense of displacement to temporary return, but it didn’t last long. As I spoke with other groups, I started to see the fluidity and integration of all the groups into this giant mesh. The combining each groups projects future possible outcomes, I saw a grand image that made me feel that the class as a whole was much more

Displacement. One student in a sea of many.

integrated than I thought.

On the positive notes, I was able to learn about the different food aspects and able to implement changes to my own life. Small things like being aware of where my food comes from as well as being more able to recognize food insecurity has given me much greater understanding. However, these changes aren’t my highlight of the course or of the reporter “job”. You see, I’m a large believer in community, or relationship based learning and growth. Whether religiously or academically, I feel that people inevitably have much more meaningful and joyful experiences if done with a community. The course’s highlight for me, and the joy of being a reporter, is being given the opportunity to interact and meet such a diverse group of amazing people. To meet with individuals who care about what they’re doing and can share their knowledge from their invested time. To hear about people’s projects, but more importantly about how individuals themselves think. To add a face, a mind… a soul to the knowledge being passed on. That in itself has proved to be my greatest highlight and pleasure in this course and in my reporter job. So I truly hope that others will take to the opportunity to connect with the amazing individuals around them.  As numerous as an autumn rain, so together we’ll be as strong as the ocean striking the shores.

The possibilities are beautiful and endless.

Windows are made for people to see outside their box into the world around them. Mirrors are for people to look back at the selves and reflect. So if I were to sum up my entire LFS 350 experience into two words. It’d be Windows and Mirrors.

`rtang … out.

TWIAG – A Personal Reflection.

My CBL project was with the community partner The World In A Garden. The details of what my group and I did can be found in an earlier post titled “TWIAG.” But right now, I’m not writing to discuss what we did but rather to reflect on my sentiments towards our project as a whole and discuss some of the steps that we as a group took in order to accomplish what I mentioned in the earlier post.

The primary idea of the project was building a survey that would be able to reflect the knowledge of the community and interests of the community. To figure this out we initially began with a list of questions that evaluated people’s nutritional knowledge such as “which of the following has the most vitamin C” and other questions that matched the sort. This then brought into question whether the populations in depth nutritional knowledge was as important, the main idea of the survey was to figure out how to better serve the community. In this case, we determined to ask a larger variety of food lated questions and value based questions such as “which of the following about food matter more to you?”, “Which of these grows in the fall?”, and the like. This different approach, we thought would give us a much better understanding of what they knew about the food they consumed beyond the nutrients, things about food they found important, and due to the rarity of being asked such questions may cause a stirring of interest towards this subject of food. We then decided to further add open ended questions that blatantly asked “what would you like to hear more about” and the like. These questions would allow us to understand more of what they cared about and would give them a chance to elaborate or rationalize their answers. Finally, we added in statistical questions that would help us understand the person taking the survey by asking about how many they feed, and their approximate age grouping. The culmination of these ideas created a rough draft of the survey.

The survey was then further refined and the questions made to be more specific to what we wanted to know in specific. Each question now gave us very precise information which could be graphed and statistically analyzed (of course the open ended questions couldn’t be analyzed in this way, so accordingly, the open ended questions would be individually interpreted.  This allowed us to arrive at our final set of survey questions. We initially posted the survey on surveymonkey but then found it to be a poor medium for our purposes. So we created PDF versions of the survey, one with pictures and one without. We ended up using the one without pictures so that the questions would all be “fair” and not left for people to interpret according to the pictures. The final survey was then pilot tested at TWIAG at an event. A variety of cooperative individuals filled the survey out, although not everyone took it as seriously as we hoped. Regardless, this process of survey development proved to be useful and I really find it to be an asset for future projects that require the use of such tools. Currently, we are in the analysis phase and the results seem to get more interesting daily.

All in all, I’d like to think of TWIAG as a positive experience, albeit patches of miscommunication with our community partner as well as minor group misunderstandings. Really, I’m thankful for my group and being given the opportunity to be part of such a project.
