Please join us for a brown bag luncheon and lecture by Dr. Ruth Beilin, Associate Professor and Landscape Sociologist from the Melbourne School of Land and Environment, University of Melbourne.
Date: June 6th, 2013
Time: 12:00om
Location: FNH 300
Dr. Beilin’s research focuses on issues including: social and ecological systems as related to community resilience, issues of scale and production of local food networks, contested landscapes in urban and peri-urban areas, and environmental impacts and biodiversity loss associated with urban development. Dr. Beilin will detail her specific research in the University’s VEIL (Victorian Eco Innovation Lab) project, and its work in food consumption networks (just one of its projects) and the modelling of alternative distribution scenarios for food supply; and VCCCAR (the Climate Change and Adaption Research network between the state government and institutions). Dr. Beilin is especially interested in meeting with UBC students and faculty involved in research in these areas, and discussing opportunities for collaboration between the University of Melbourne and the Faculty of Land & Food Systems.
If you have any questions, please contact Joshua Edward at: