Tag Archives: first year
LFS Firsts “Castaway” Camp Retreat – registration open until Sept 26, 2016
Hey First Year LFS Students! Registration is NOW OPEN for LFS FIRSTS CASTAWAY Camp Retreat. What better way to meet your classmates through a ONE NIGHT, TWO DAY trip packed with camp activities such as ARCHERY and CLIMBING, followed by … Continue reading
First Year Midterm Prep Night | February 3rd!
We’re excited to announce that we are bringing back our Midterm Prep Night for another term! Join LFS|US on February 3rd for Wednesday Night Dinner ($5 at 5pm in Agora) and then head up to the Learning Commons (MCML 360) for … Continue reading
Registration Tips!
Here are some tips to help you with your registration as a LFS student! Register as soon as your assigned date/time opens. Courses will fill up quickly Register for Term 1 (Sept – Dec) and Term 2 (Jan – Apr) courses … Continue reading
How do I register?
Wondering how to actually register for your courses? Check out these great video tutorials for help with creating your worklist, registering for courses, and navigating your course schedule. We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with the registration system before your … Continue reading
Registration Glossary
Don’t know what some of the terms on the Course Schedule mean? Sometimes we don’t either! Here are some common words to help you navigate your registration: Blocked – For LFS courses, this is usually for a reason! Most likely we … Continue reading
As seats open up because students drop courses and change their schedules, students on the waitlist will be switched from the waitlist to the corresponding section in priority sequence by the department. If you see a spot become available, you … Continue reading
“Primary Sections” – BIOL 140 and BIOL 200 registration
For some courses, particularly BIOL 140 and BIOL 200, students must register into a primary section, a lecture section and a tutorial/lab section, if applicable. For example, you should register into BIOL 140 sec 101 (in Term 1) or sec … Continue reading
Credit/D/Fail – what is it and should I take them?
You may only take unrestricted elective courses for Credit/D/Fail grading – Credit/D/Fail is NOT permitted for required courses or restricted electives in LFS. Please note that Credit / D / Fail can also affect your eligibility for scholarships, awards, and/or funding, … Continue reading
Apply to be a LFS Firsts Co-Chairs – applications due Feb 28
Have you ever wanted to organize a successful event for incoming First Year students? Do you have the dedication and skills to lead a committee throughout 6 months of planning? Are you organized, responsible, and able to set achievable deadlines? … Continue reading
Get Involved with Orientations and Peer Programs!
Orientations 2015 Remember your first year at UBC and want to help create an awesome first year experience for prospective new students? UBC orientation programs, Imagine Day and Jumpstart, serve as new students’ formal welcome to UBC and are looking … Continue reading