UBC CAFP hosts Food Safe Level 2 Certification
When: March 1 (9am-5pm) and March 3rd (6:30pm-10pm)
Where: FNH Building Room 50
Cost: $90 Members | $95 Non-Members
How: Email cafp.ubc@gmaill.com or Register with Barb at the UBC FNH Admin Office (2nd Floor FNH Building, 2205 East Mall) between Mon and Fri from 9am to 4pm with exact cash payment or cheque made to: UBC Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals.
The workshop includes the Food Safe Level 1 refresher course ($35 value)
Please note: This is a 2 day workshop; make sure you can attend both days.
No Refunds. First Come First Serve. Deadline: Feb 28th @ 4pm