Looking to get involved this year? A weekly Trek placement with a local non-profit organization or school can enable you to learn more about community issues, apply your academics in the real world, build lasting connections, and make a difference. We’re excited to announce that we’ve added three new placements in elementary school:
Hastings Kids First: http://students.ubc.ca/career/community-experiences/trek/hastings-kids-first
Queen Alexandra Elementary: http://students.ubc.ca/career/community-experiences/trek/queen-alexandra-elementary
Mount Pleasant Elementary: http://students.ubc.ca/career/community-experiences/trek/mt-pleasant-elementary
To learn more about Trek and other community learning opportunities, visit our website <http://students.ubc.ca/about/centre-community-engaged-learning>. Apply online by October 23, 2014 at students.ubc.ca/trek<http://www.students.ubc.ca/trek>