Vancouver Dairy Nutrition Symposium, Nov 17

Monday, November 17, 2014
Vancouver Convention Centre

The main focus of dietary guidelines throughout the world is on nutrients, especially with respect to obtaining sufficient amounts of essential nutrients while limiting others. This “nutrient-focused” approach to dietary guidance has largely ignored the impact of real, whole foods on health. But we consume foods, not individual nutrients. This year’s symposium will address the importance of taking a food-based, as opposed to a nutrient-focused approach, and being open to new information as the science evolves, which may have an impact on nutrition guidelines.

Specific topics include:

  • Revisiting saturated fat guidelines
  • Dairy fat, obesity and cardiometabolic health
  • Dietary sugars and health
  • Sodium recommendations



Join the conversation on Twitter by using #DFCsympo before and during the event.

Register Online Here

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