Here are some brand new/revised courses, starting in the 2015 Winter Session:
LFS 340: First Nations Health and the Traditional Role of Plants
(new) This Interprofessional Health and Human Service (IHHS) course covers the First Nations medical systems and medicinal plants. Bridging the traditional with modern sciences.
APBI 316 Equine Biology, Health and Welfare (3)
(revised) Equines have played an important role in human society. Course will look at the place of the Equid in history, art and current society. An exploration the natural history and biology of the horse, include behaviour, anatomy, nutrition, and reproduction. The pathology, prevention and treatments of common diseases and health conditions. Application of this knowledge to identifying and understanding modern challenges of keeping horses in captivity and working with them.
APBI 322 Horticultural Techniques (3)
(revised) An introduction to horticultural practice in an experiential learning format. Plant identification, seeding, propagation, pruning, cultivation media, pesticide application and safety are examined in the context of integrated crop management. An additional fee may be required for the pesticide certification examination. .
APBI 360 Animals and Plants as Components of Agricultural Ecosystems. (3)
(revised). A systems approach is used to investigate the functions and interactions of plants and animals in agricultural systems. Field trips for assessment of existing agroecosystems. .
APBI 413 – 001 Stress and Coping in Animals (3)
(previously APBI 490 sec 201) How animals respond to various stressors in their lives and the impact on their overall biology, including health. How managing stress on animals (farm, companion, captive wildlife, animals used in research) can improve their health and productivity. .
APBI 416 – 001 Animal Welfare and Conservation Biology (3)
(previously APBI 490 – 003) An evaluation of the humane treatment of individual animals within the structure of conservation biology. Assessment of the attitudes and viewpoints of the role of animal welfare in conservation biology.
APBI 490 – 002 Sustainable Fruit Production: Theory & Applications (3)
(new) An agroecosystems approach to scientific and practical aspects of sustainable production of selected major temperate-zone berry, wine grape and tree fruit crops. Plant growth and morphology, post-harvest fruit quality and key pests/diseases. .
APBI 490 – 006 Belowground Forest Ecosystems (3)
(new) Syntheses of the roles that interactions between aboveground and belowground communities play in regulating the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems, and their responses to global change. Main topic areas; discussion and demonstration of molecular tools and stable isotope methods to identify and study the linkages between above and below-ground organisms. Four key topics: 1. Biotic interactions in the soil, 2. Plant community effects, 3. The role of aboveground consumers, 4. The influence of species gains and losses.
APBI 490 – 99C (Distance Ed) Aquaculture and the Environment (3)
(new) Issues that surround culture of aquatic animals. Introduce students to some of the interactions that take place between aquaculture and the environment with relevant principles, concepts and tools. Students will explore current issues in aquaculture and investigate their implications. Explore and compare systems, species, production methods and environments, as well as ecological and sociological aspects of aquaculture.
APBI 442 – 001 Grapevine and Berry Crop Biology (3)
(new) (previously APBI 490 sec 101) Grapevine genetics, morphology, and physiology and major biological features of other important berry crops for British Columbia such as blueberry, cranberry, and raspberry. Credit will be granted for only one of APBI 442 or PLNT 542.
Want more info? Check out the LFS Courses page to see if a course outline is available!