Dairy Industry Research and Education Committee Scholarship Terms of Reference
The British Columbia Dairy Association’s Dairy Industry Research and Education Committee (DIREC) offers up to FOUR scholarship awards ($2,500/year each) to students studying agriculture or related subjects including animal or food science, sustainability, business management, marketing, animal health and welfare, et cetera, at any accredited post-secondary institution.
Funding Objectives
To facilitate, encourage, and financially support individuals whose educational studies, projects, and programs that have been identified by the BC Dairy Association (BCDA) to benefit the BC Dairy Industry.
DIREC’s Funding Priorities include BC dairy industry sustainability, productivity, profitability, animal health and welfare, technological innovation, youth and industry development.
Funding Criteria:
DIREC invites applications from students who have successfully completed at least one year of post-secondary academic education and whose home address is in BC for a minimum of one year at the time of application (Gradschool programs also qualify). Eligible expenses include tuition, materials and supplies required for the applicant’s period of study.
The following criteria will be evaluated. The applicant is asked to provide:
- An Education Plan (500 words maximum) that explains how their education will be applicable to the BC Dairy Industry upon completion, why they have an interest in this area of study, and an outline of the intended date of completion of the academic program.
- A list of relevant work experience, particularly related to the dairy industry (farming, allied industries, milk processing and marketing, et cetera).
- An official transcript from an accredited academic institution, which indicates the satisfactory completion of Year One credits in a diploma or degree program.
- At least one professional or academic reference letter from an individual who knows and describes the applicant’s skills, work ethic, and personal attributes.
Application deadline: March 31st, 2016
Application Procedure: Please review this website for more information on the scholarship as well as the application form. Submit a completed DIREC Scholarship Application to
Please direct all questions to:
EMAIL: FAX: 604.294.8199 MAIL:
Trevor Hargreaves, Director of Producer Relations and Communications
BC Dairy Association
3236 Beta Avenue
Burnaby, BC V5G-4K4