Careers with Agriculture Canada Info Session – Oct 11, 2016

Consider a career with Agriculture Canada!

In 2014, the agriculture and agri-food system generated $108.2 billion, accounting for 6.6% of Canada’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The agriculture and agri-food system also provided one in eight jobs in Canada in 2014. Come and find out what this means for you! Is there a position with the government in your future?

Dr. Joyce Boye from Agriculture Canada will be giving 2 talks for undergrad and graduate students considering a career with Agriculture Canada. Come see what the future of Agriculture Canada is and how you can contribute!

MSL 102 (Michael Smith Lab Lecture Theatre)
Tues Oct 11, 2016
1:30pm –  Graduate Students
3:30pm – Undergraduate Students

For event details:

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