This panel discussion aims to unpack the social, economic, cultural and political landscape of modern Western hegemony, specifically in regards to the rise of economic and political borders in UK (Brexit) and US (Trump), and its consequences on the rest of the world.
The panel will be organized around four main themes: (1) Economic Globalization, Neoliberalism and Free Trade, (2) Border Imperialism, Islamophobia and Settler Colonialism, (3) Whiteness and the Rise of White Nationalism in the West, and (4) Resistance and Seeking Change.
Confirmed panelists include Litsa Chatzivasileiou (UBC GRSJ), Daniel Tseghay (Community Organizer), Jamie Peck (UBC Geography) , Geoffrey Mann (SFU Geography), Vanessa Andreotti (UBC Education), Leonora C. Angeles (UBC GRSJ and SCARP) and Zehra Naqvi (UBC English, Undegraduate).
This event will take place March 23, 2017 from 5-7pm in Henry Angus Room 9/F (9th Floor).
Please click here to RSVP, or visit the Facebook event page for more information.