Tag Archives: fnh

Food Science & double Major applications – due Jan 31

Scholarships, Employment, and Food! A reminder that applications to the Food Science major and the Food and Nutritional Science Double major should be completed by January 31, 2014.   Want to know more about food science and why you should … Continue reading

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Dietetics Resume and Cover Letter Workshop – Jan 8, 2014

Planning to apply to the UBC Dietetics Major for September 2014 entry? Past attendess have found this annual session provided great tips and support for helping to refine cover letters and resumes in preparation for applying the Dietetics Major. Registration … Continue reading

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“From the Kitchen to the Classroom”: Food, Nutrition & Health/Home Ec Dual Degree Info Session – Nov 8

Don’t know what to do with your Food, Nutrition and Health degree? Not sure what “teaching” and “Home Economics” really means? Come to our Info Session on Friday, November 8 to learn more! Natalie Lim from LFS Student Services, Lorrie … Continue reading

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2013 LFS Community Dinner – Nov 16

It’s back! Every year, the LFS|US and 4th year Dietetics students host an unforgettable event called the annual COMMUNITY DINNER! Tickets are $35 for students and $45 for non-students. 2 alcoholic drinks included, additional drinks are $2 each. Non-alcoholic drinks will be … Continue reading

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GIVE’s Food Security and Nutrition Team – recruitment for Kenya, Summer 2014 (application deadline Nov 8)

GIVE (Global Initiative for Village Empowerment), a group formed by UBC students in 2005, is recruiting for a trip to Kenya in Summer 2014. Interested? Here is how to apply: Please email the following to nutrition.givesociety@gmail.com: Why you would like to … Continue reading

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Meet the Dietitian Night – Nov 7 *Updated: RSVP information*

Meet the Dietitian Night is back again this year! Meet the Dietitian Night provides students the opportunity to meet and network with dietitians from a wide variety of practice areas. Through small-group discussions, students will be able to learn about the … Continue reading

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Essential Cheese demos – volunteer needed

Essential Cheese needs volunteers to promote their skimmed milk dairy cheddar cheese with a healthy profile of reduced fat and sodium. Volunteers are required to communicate simple health messages in a grocery store while distributing cheese samples.  Your interest in … Continue reading

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West End Food Festival – Oct 4-7

The West End Food Festival it is happening from October 4th-7th at the Gordon Neighbourhood House! Check out the facebook event for details. https://www.facebook.com/events/440604082725988/449060788546984/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity

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“Is Food a Right?” lecture – Oct 7

Monday October 7th from 6:30-8pm there is a great lecture happening called “Is Food a Right?“. It is a panel on issues around access to Food. It is happening at the Gordon Neighbourhood House. This is a free event but … Continue reading

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Meet Your Maker event – Sept 25

Look before you eat! Meet the people behind the food, FREE samples and tasting. DATE: September 25, Wednesday TIME: 11am to 1:30pm LOCATION: outside Triple-O’s patio Chef Demo by Chef Steve Golob. 11:30am – 1:00pm Information booths from Ethical Bean, … Continue reading

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