Beach Explorations and Informative Workshops.

Week two was filled with explorations at the beach, staff workshops and enjoyable learning for me and the students. I am sure I will say this every week but I really can’t believe how fast the time is going.

I am inspired by my week in the classroom. The students continued with their Math and Science units and showed great examples of team work and critical thinking. In PE I taught the students Yoga through a Yoga Story that focused on spring and nature. I dimmed the lights in the gym and reminded the students about the importance of quiet voices and calm breaths which are both integral parts of a yoga practice.  I was amazed at their focus and meditation throughout the lesson. I intend to build on this unit and bring our practice outdoors as the weather continues to improve.

After school on Tuesday I attended a district planning meeting with all of the Kindergarten teachers preparing for their “Welcome to Kindergarten” day in May. It was informative and helpful to gain insight with regards to how the schools in West Vancouver plan for their future K entries. My school adviser and I attended an all day training workshop on Wednesday for the program “Lets talk about touching.” This was another opportunity to learn about the program and how it is taught at the kindergarten level.

I feel so lucky to be at Irwin Park and have a beach within a 5 minute walk and on Friday afternoon we went down to the beach to explore. The students were curious and fascinated by their surroundings. Their keen interest at the beach tells me that an inquiry unit must begin focusing on this explorative environment. They found lots of living and non living things that sparked their interest. The possibilities of where this might go seem endless!

Looking forward to the week ahead and all that is to come.

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