
The 2010 LibQUAL survey is over – and UBC Library is happy to announce that participant Sara Komarnisky is the lucky winner of a $200 gift card to UBC Bookstore.

Sara, pictured above with University Librarian Ingrid Parent (left) and LibQUAL Project Leader Margaret Friesen, is a PhD student in socio-cultural anthropology who began her studies last September.

The LibQUAL survey assesses user satisfaction with services at UBC Library, and the latest round was completed in March. We received 619 responses and 276 comments – and here are some of the highlights: 

  • Responses were received from 165 undergraduates, 302 graduate students and 148 faculty members
  • Respondents were evenly represented from the sciences (51 per cent) and non-sciences (49 per cent)
  • 74 per cent of respondents visit UBC Library to use its resources at least monthly
  • 100 per cent access resources through the Library website
  • 54 per cent of respondents are 30 years old or younger

Overall, many respondents praised the Library’s resources and services, yet also identified areas for improvement, including:

  • more e-resources, e-journals and e-books
  • more print resources
  • better access from home
  • more spaces for silent study and group study
  • a more user-friendly website

Next steps include analyzing results, reporting findings and recommending ways to improve services. UBC Library will keep you up to date on developments.

Thank you to all respondents for their valuable input, and congratulations Sara!

Photo credit: Jill Pittendrigh

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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