UBC has been selected as the host campus for the 2012 meeting of the ALADN Conference.

ALADN, which stands for the Academic Library Advancement and Development Network, is a group that focuses on fundraising and development issues for academic and research libraries in North America. Members include professionals involved in development and advancement.

UBC was chosen as the 2012 site for the ALADN conference following a presentation by Shakeela Begum, UBC Library’s Director of Development, at the recent ALADN gathering in Santa Monica, California. This is a great win for the Library and for UBC, as more than 200 guests are expected to attend the event.

The 2011 conference, entitled Take a Trip through Academic Fundraising, will be held at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Congratulations to UBC Library and the University of British Columbia!

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