Math 100 Course Review

Final Grade: A

Textbook: Calculus Early Transcendentals, Stewart

Curriculum: I found this course to be eerily reminicent of Calculus 12. If you did well in Calculus 12 you should have absolutely no problem with this course. However I have a feeling that my teacher taught on a bit lower of a level than other teachers (when studying for the finals I realized that there were some questions that we just hadn’t covered). As long as you have an ok base in Math 12 I think most of the things are solvable.

Useful things to know:
Taylor polynomials kind of confused me for a bit, I would get it…. and then it would disappear… and then I would get it… and then I would get lost.. and then I would get it…and then forget it e.t.c. I found Salman Khan’s videos quite useful for understanding the concepts, I also went to the Math Learning Centre and managed to confuse the people there quite a lot… However the Math Learning Centre is amazing, you can get help there and all of the students who work there (that I met) were extremely nice.
-All of the Math 100/180 midterm marks are scaled against the class average on the final to ensure fair grading. I don’t know how they do this exactly. While I think this is a good practice my mark went down 5% because of it (I might have messed up on the final too…don’t stay up until 4 in the morning studying, it is a bad idea)
-With Math I find just doing as many practice problems as possible useful, the Math Club sells packages of old final exams with solutions for about 10$. I worked my way through all of these and found them really useful.
-Also NO CALCULATORS ARE PERMITTED ON EXAMS… that means that you will have to go back and remember how to do your times tables, division e.t.c. by hand. It is a little bit annoying, but if you are getting a really weird answer the chances are pretty good that you are doing the question wrong.
– Start the Math homework early… If your prof is anything like mine the assignments will take wayyyy longer than you think they will. Also staple your work before going to class!
-Random math related stuff if you feel like procrastinating:  (Math doodling)
Mandelbrot Set Zoom:

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