My Morning

Today I woke up late, lazy, “9:00!!!!”, I scrambled out of bed. Washed my hair, brushed my teeth, hopped all around my room looking for socks, clothes, contact lenses, you name it. Hurriedly packed all my assignments into my bag, ran out the door and jumped onto my bike. 5 minutes to get to class. I zoomed up the hill, raced past the E and right as I turned right onto the lane that goes past IKB road I heard the bells from the clock tower ringing. 10:00, I was almost there. I locked my bike, ran up the stairs into Hennings, was about to burst into the door… when I realised that the room was full, and that perhaps it wasn’t my class.
I took a few steps back, looked around and timidly asked a guy working on his computer if he knew what time the Physics tutorial wwas at.
“Eleven o’clock” He replied.

And that was my morning.

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