Alas, it is a bad, bad, bad idea to write blog posts just before a mid-term, while eating breakfast. Multi-tasking is not the way to go after all.
I’m sure most of you know this already, but always bring your student ID card with you to an exam. Any exam. Even pop quizzes. It’s just better to be safe than sorry. I blithely left my wallet on my desk this morning because I couldn’t be bothered to lug it around (it’s about the weight of a brick, I think). Laziness is a vice that comes back to bite me.
Well, I’m not sure whether not bringing my card will affect my grades or not. You get a mark for writing your name and student ID on this paper. And for signing it to say that you agree to the rules (one of which includes being able to provide identification). It’s only a mark, but I like my marks! Particularly when it’s to do with Comp Sci. My TA recognises me, which is good, but the TA who was doing the checking doesn’t recognise me, which is not so good.
Now to run off to my next class. I am, once again, writing this in the wee minutes before a lesson. When will I ever learn?
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