I wish we all could

go where we most want to go, which is most usually home.

Canadian Thanksgiving was hard on one level because everyone who lives in this area went home for the long weekend. We walked back to residence on the Friday to see lines of people waiting by the main entrance for their parents to drive them home.

It wasn’t so bad for me then, as I was nursing a fever and so just wanted to sleep (although being sick makes you miss home and people who take care of you more than anything else, possibly). I’ve also never celebrated Thanksgiving before, so it wasn’t like I was missing out on some great big tradition. That will be Lunar New Year.

But the Christmas break will be harder for people who still can’t go home, and sometimes I feel guilty about it. I’m lucky I can fly home, but for many people, that won’t be for another four months. Some people, a few years.

On the other hand, it’s the most natural thing for people to discuss what they most miss and what they are looking forward to having again, so you can’t forbid that. It must be difficult to tolerate, though, for people who aren’t going back yet. I know I miss my family more when I see other parents drop by to visit their kids.

I wish the world was nice and everyone could go where they wanted to go.

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