My wonderful sense of timing

A couple of interesting things happened today.

The first is that I went to an optometrist and have happily filled in one of the gaps in my life. That is not interesting, you say. But wait! The really interesting part is when the assistant commented on what a good idea it is for me to have my eye exam now. Next month, I turn 19 and can no longer rely on the Care Card to provide relief for my eyes. I had no idea about this, but I highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity while you are still 18. As we have to pay a mighty high premium for health insurance by law, we might as well use it!

As for my other item of import, there is quite a lovely display going on in the SUB right now. If you’ve been there recently, you may know what I’m talking about: There is a Clothesline Project displaying t-shirts designed by and/or related to victims of sexual harassment and abuse. I’d passed it several times before but hadn’t actually looked closely until today. While all of them carry messages, some were absolutely heart-churning.

One that I remember says something like:

“If rape doesn’t happen to you, or you, or you, then it will happen to me.
1 in 4 women in Canada and the US are raped.  Stop this madness.”

And there are many more, but I think you should check them out for yourself. You can even make a t-shirt of your own if you like. The display closes at 4 pm tomorrow, so hurry up and go!

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