International Week: Festiva

Tonight sees the end of a week of international festivities. Although school clashed with most of the events, I did manage to make it to the grand finale today.

I trotted off to arrive at I. House at 4, as the ticket told me. It was cold and rainy. We had to wait in a line outside because they were running late. They didn’t start until 15 minutes later. This West Coast tardiness grates on my nerves. If classes and buses can stick to their timetables, then so can everything else. If you are unable to open your doors before 4:15, then say so. Don’t expect others to do the courtesy of showing up on time and then do them the disrespect of keeping your doors closed in their faces. It’s lucky I had my iPod with me; I went for a walk because I have no faith in time these days.

Everything else fared better. The food wasn’t spectacular, but really, what can one expect? And I am a picky eater. The initial performances in the Upper Lounge of I. House were good to watch and it’s great to while away your time by talking to friends (read: Angeli).

The final performance, however, was the grand highlight of the evening. It was fantastic. The performances were almost invariably of an excellent quality and I’m very glad to see such good showmanship. My favourite performance was this absolutely incredible display of Korean drumming. This was the opening act and I was completely taken up by it. The performers all had different kinds of drums, but they worked with similar rhythms and threw their whole bodies into the beat. It was long — wonderfully long — and I was often afraid that they would stop because then I wouldn’t be able to hear it anymore. I can hardly imagine how long it must have taken the group to practice. It was an absolutely amazing start to a great evening, well worth my $10.

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