A Minor in Nothing

After a lot of creeping around the web, I think I’ve come up with a theory as to why I can’t declare a minor on the online Student Services system:

According to this, you have to declare your major between 54 to 75 credits. I presume the same goes for any other specialization, including minors. Because I’m currently at the 80-something mark, I can’t add a minor. Granted, I don’t passionately want to minor in a particular subject right now; I was just experimenting to see if I could, in case I do want to do something in the future. The SSC gives me a big angry no. La botheration!

It’s a pity. I’ve spent the last couple of years fulfilling my science requirements and doing language courses; I’ve never done enough of anything besides English to know if I want to major or minor in it. I could have just picked a second specialization at random, but it’s fortunate I didn’t, because after the 76 credit mark it looks like you can’t drop your specialization(s) either. Good thing I like my current degree, eh? I’m not too thrilled at the prospect of fulfilling all the requirements for a major or minor I was throwing darts at.

So, second-year students thinking of what to major in next year: choose carefully!

As for me, my plan is to just keep doing my own thing for now and take electives in whatever takes my fancy at the moment. (In this respect, I feel like a first-year.) Maybe, at the end of the next two or three years that I plan on sticking around UBC, I’ll have met all the requirements for some other major or minor out there. Armed with my education, I will go to Arts Academic Advising and ask, beg or bribe with food and flowers to have them declare my specialization for me. No one, no one can reject delectables and floral arrangements! Unless they have various food allergies and/or hay fever, in which case, I need a Plan C…

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