5 guidelines for enjoying outdoor movies

FreshAirCinema is once again bringing movies to the great outdoors for free this summer. I was in Stanley Park last Tuesday to watch their first offering, Jurassic Park. Having never watched a movie outdoors before, I realised there were a few things I would have liked to know beforehand.

1. If going with a large group, you will probably need to stake out a spot. Plan dinner accordingly.
Since I was only going with one other person, we decided to eat downtown before we headed to Stanley Park; when we arrived, the place was seething with people. It’s much easier for two to find a small space to squeeze in than five, though, so it may be a better idea to bring food with you if you’re going as a group.

2. The movie doesn’t start when they say it will.
The movie was meant to start at 9:00 pm but was pushed to 9:30 pm because of the late sunset, which is fine, but at 9:30 pm we got half an hour of promotions before the movie itself started playing at 10:00 pm. If I’d known it would be that late, I might not have gone as it was difficult for me to get home afterwards.

3. Bring a thick blanket or towel and warm clothing. If you might get hungry, bring snacks and a warm drink.
Although I did bring a towel, I forgot that Vancouver nights are chilly, especially if you’re outdoors, and it’s a good idea to bring a warm jacket or hoodie to pull over your head. A warm drink in a flask is also a good idea if you’re prone to feel cold like I am.

4. People will smoke weed. Be prepared to counter the smell if you don’t like it.
My favourite item in cases like these (when I can find it) is scented tissue; barring that, anything that smells remotely pretty goes a long way, e.g. scented hand sanitizer, perfume sprayed on a paper strip, etc. Of course, if you do like the smell, you won’t need to bring anything at all.

5. A torch is a very handy tool.
Stanley Park is dark at night and it’s hard to pick your way through if you haven’t got a bright light to shine the way ahead for you. In a pinch, an iPod or a mobile phone light will do, but a torch is definitely the best item and is relatively inexpensive to pick up at a dollar store.

Although I’m not going to watch any more for a while, I do plan on catching another two before the end of the summer and will be much more ready next time around.

(For a full list of shows, check out FreshAirCinema’s Facebook events page. Happy viewing!)

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