Well, what do you know…

Sorting through my notes from last year to decide what to keep and what to discard, I found a few scribbled sentences from a mental health conference I attended in October. One that caught my eye was:

Helping someone else produces endorphins in the helper — helping others helps you cope with your problems.

While the happy feeling you get from helping someone else is not news to me, it’s interesting that helping others also increases your capacity to handle your own issues. (Unfortunately, I can’t place who said that or where that comes from, but I’m sure someone can correct this statement if it’s far off.)

Have you found anything lately that surprised you?

(And this was too good not to share…)

Character 1: "Hello. Oh, so you are angry? I know how to deal with grumpy people! Take this!" The two hug. Character 2: "I'm confused." Character 1 (while hugging): "Die, bitch!"

On another note, are you looking for well-paying jobs on campus? Find out about Work Study (for domestic students) or Work Learn (for international students) on the Career Services page, including eligibility criteria, and apply early through CareersOnline.

You can also take a look at the post I wrote last year on Finding Work On Campus for other ideas if you don’t manage to land a Work Study/Work Learn position (these are fairly competitive, after all).

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