One of my favourite aspects of university is how there is always so much more going on than there is time to spare.
(And time — there is so much time in university, even though it doesn’t always feel like it. It’s easy to slip between classes to the Chan Centre for a lecture from Bill McKibben, the first of this year’s Terry Global Speaker Series, or attend part of the Robson Reading Series — or at least think about it. Nine-to-five work days just won’t be the same.)
Where do you find the events that interest you? My English department is quite good at emailing us with relevant information and events; I also enjoy subscribing to newsletters that do the work of finding and promoting the kind of events that I like to go to. Three of my favourites are:
- The Post: Aboriginal News and Information for the UBC Community (subscribe by emailing
- International House Community Update for international-related events
- UBC Music’s Weekly Hot Sheet for music both on and off campus
And, of course, there’s always UBC Events, the centralized website for discovering campus activities.
Sample events that I wish I had gone to or would like to, if I can make it:
November 15, 4:30-5:30 pm (Global Lounge) – Occupy What? An open discussion about the social movement that has swept the world
November 18, 6:30-9:00 pm (111 W. Hastings) – Ignite the Light: Generational Expressions of Colonization, Social Justice, and the Legacy of Indian Residential Schools
Ongoing until February 12, 2012 (MOA) – ひろしま hiroshima by Ishiuchi Miyako: an exhibition featuring the colour photographs of clothing and accessories left behind by the victims of the 1945 atomic bomb at Hiroshima
There’s a Requiem for Peace at the Chan Centre tonight at 8 pm, presented in conjunction with the above exhibition. Student rush tickets are $10 at the door, but unless I can rush through my current pile of academic responsibilities, I shan’t be going anywhere (sad face).
On a completely different note, Jimmy Kimmel issued a challenge to parents to pretend they ate all their children’s Halloween candy and videotape their reactions. Here are the results, and I have to say, that last child is the boss:
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