This PhD Comics strip pretty much sums up my experience at the moment (except, y’know, at the undergraduate level). It’s also my latest reward between revising large chunks of my essay.
My brain feels like the mush we used to feed my rabbit when she was sick and couldn’t digest solid foods.
Someone told me if I stop reading other people’s articles, I’ll feel less stupid and inarticulate about my own. This may be true, but my inner nerd is coming out in full force — publications like Cultivating Canada: Reconciliation through the Lens of Cultural Diversity give me hope for the future. It makes for good bedtime reading.
(Also, one of my advisors told me to read it. Academic Life Tip: Listen to your advisors. Especially if they’re on your thesis defence committee.)
And every now and then, I listen to Sam Hart’s ‘Mario Kart Love Song’. It’s the most irrelevant music I could find to keep me going.