Category Archives: Recreation

Trick or Eat!

If you’re lounging around this afternoon with nothing in particular to do, why not head to the SUB Ballroom and participate in Trick or Eat? Put on your costume, grab a few friends, and join 300+ UBC students in going around neighbourhoods collecting food for local social services!

Registration starts at 3:15 this afternoon, and the whole event will wrap up by 7:30 PM –plenty of time to make it to your next party and feel good about yourself today. Don’t forget to bring your U-Pass and a bag for all the food! Better yet, if you have a car, you can help transport food back to campus.

Happy Hallowe’en!

On My Relative Quiet

So I haven’t had much heart to write lately, and this is for multiple reasons:

1) I’m sick. No, it’s not swine flu, but constant coughing for three weeks can tire you out. I would really, really love a fall Reading Week, just like my friends at UofT tell me they’re going to have, but I have no energy to petition for it. Besides, it won’t be coming around this term (which is when I need it).

2) My blog here is getting inundated with spam. I’ve stopped visiting because I am not very pleased to deal with 20 pending comments, all of which say the same thing and include the same sketchy link, every time I do check. Oh, Akismet, get with the program, please!

3) I’ve been quite wrapped up with my other blog which I mentioned a while back. It’s fun! (For me, anyway.) It’s personal! (Not that this isn’t, but that is a little bit more…)

And, I’ll admit, it’s a bit lonely blogging here because I’m not sure if anyone reads this since it stopped getting fed into the Blog Squad’s main page. Am I calling out to an empty cave?

Well, at least there’s always Echo to accompany me if that’s so!

you are georgeous (sorry, mis-spelled)

Title of post is a piece of graffiti I saw at a bus stop when I was passing by.

I thought it was amazing, both for the message and for the concern over spelling.

Alas, I hadn’t brought my camera, and when I passed by again today (also without my camera), it had been painted over after being there for about a week. The new grey paint doesn’t do nearly as much to brighten up my mornings.

But how I adore thee, Vancouver.

On a different note for those select few who are interested in this kind of thing, I have finally got cracking on a new blog where I am showcasing my most recent reads and my attempts to write coherent thoughts about them. It’s a lot more personal and a lot more ‘me’, stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with UBC. Yes, a lot of work needs to be done on it and no, it’s not anything special — but I am definitely enjoying it immensely. (Don’t let the calendar fool you; this has been in the works for much longer than you can tell.)

Finally, I may oh may have the flu and cannot tell just yet because it’s only the second/third day. I took the day off work yesterday to sleep most of it away and am feeling better today, but not 100% myself, and have succeeded in spreading it to my brother just by walking past him. Oh dear.

Last-Minute Course-Planning

Also known as What Not to Do, I completely forgot I was supposed to spend this weekend planning my courses. Instead, I went to the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival yesterday to watch one of my coworkers race. Not that I managed to see her, either… to cut a long and epic story short, my other coworker and I got very lost on our way to False Creek and ended up being an hour too late to see our coworker’s team win their heat — but a very big congrats to them!

And we did get to cheer her mother who is on a seniors’ team. I think twenty or so elderly people racing a dragon boat is one of the best things since sliced bread. The average age of that team is 65. Can you imagine? I want to be like that when I’m that old!

Digression aside, however, I woke up very late this morning (or close to noon) and remembered tomorrow’s registration time. Also that I had not done very much course-planning yet.

Cue drop all other plans for the day and start juggling courses around. Ask the tissue box why all the good professors seem to be teaching in term 2. Remember to do laundry whenever computer is lagging because it can’t deal with all the alt-tabbing between courses, my Word document where I do all my planning and note-taking, and RateMyProfs. Soliloquize in front of tissue box as to why I should be aiming for good professors, not because I want to take all my English literature courses in historical order. Bemoan why there are always more courses that I want to take than I have space and time for. Realize my transcript is not going to reflect my interests in subjects other than English at all. Fret about grad school. Resolve to read widely outside of school. Make note to self to win lottery and thus earn funds to buy books.

Seven hours later, I am drained and hungry, having not eaten since lunchtime (also known as Sunday breakfast, now my one meal of the day). I am very ready to pick up the last few garments rolling around in my dryer as soon as they’re done and head to bed for some well-needed rest.

After all, tomorrow is the day when I click the “register” button.

Megabite Pizza

After work today, my coworkers and I caught the Skytrain to Broadway/Commercial Station and grabbed a couple of slices of pizza.

Two decent-tasting slices of pizza and a soft drink for $4 — not a bad deal at all.

I skipped out on the soft drink today because I’m not a fan of those, and because I had a bottle of water on me (I am a fan of water), but next time I’ll probably get a can of iced tea.