Category Archives: Things I Love Thursday

Things I Love Thursday

For the next few weeks, I’ll be blogging about the things I love most while in my childhood home of Hong Kong. I think that’s pretty awesome — that I get to be back.

♥ Cathay Pacific is an awesome airline. They gave Haagen-Dazs ice-cream for dessert! And also had a great selection of movies, as usual, but I didn’t think that the flight was a good time to watch Black Swan (if I ever do), so watched Groundhog Day, Chocolat and Quest for Camelot instead.

♥ The fact that my parents have moved from a valley to a hill. While still ridiculously far from where my friends are, it’s easier for me to get out and catch public transport. We also get amazing views and it’s nowhere near as hot as our old place, which reached 40°C+ in the summer.

early morning in fragrant harbour

early morning in fragrant harbour

♥ The many public holidays that Hong Kong has — all the Western ones left over by the British, like Easter and Christmas, and all the Chinese ones like the New Year, Mid-Autumn, Ching Ming, and most recently, the Buddha’s Birthday on Tuesday. I was once told that when HK switched from being a British colony to being back in Chinese hands, we couldn’t very well celebrate the Queen’s birthday anymore, but didn’t want to remove that public holiday, so replaced it with the Buddha’s birthday instead.

♥ Steamed fish with soy sauce and green onions, just the way I like it. You really don’t get fish like that in Vancouver. I plan on eating this a few times while I’m here!

♥ Speaking of food, I’ve got a long list of food I want to eat while I’m here and have started work on it already with steak and creamed spinach. Yes, I know, it’s weird to crave creamed spinach, but it’s been on my mind for months and I just can’t make it the way I want!

♥ Reading for pleasure. I’ve been a little bit lazy (and also incapacitated) for the last couple of days, so have been devouring books, some new, some old. I’m updating my reading blog bit by bit, though I don’t think I’ll be hardworking enough to log all of them.

♥ Bonding with my beloved piano. My real piano. As happy as I am with my electric in Vancouver (a belonging I hover over protectively), it doesn’t compare with an acoustic that really responds to my touch. It’s also lovely to be able to look outside at what is practically a jungle outside my bedroom window.

♥ Lastly, I finally got all my grades — and I did well, even managed better than I expected, all things considering. I even managed to lift my GPA up by 0.3%, which I’m impressed about since I don’t think I’ve ever managed more than 0.1% at a time. With all this comes an immense sense of relief — I don’t have to do any more classes and I don’t have to worry about my grades anymore. I’ve only got 3 more credits to complete and they won’t kill my GPA no matter how badly I do — and I have no intention of doing badly. I can take a couple of classes I’m interested in next year for Credit/Pass/Fail, and concentrate on work and grad school and job applications. I’m so glad.

Things I Love Thursday

Life is hectic at the moment as I try to complete my errands and say goodbye to friends before I go back to Hong Kong this weekend. This is short, but there’s been much love around for:

♥ the apple tree in our backyard that is pink with blossom;

only one of the greatest videos ever;

♥ the miraculous healing powers of Vaseline to save chapped lips where no amount of lip balm could help;

♥ a new anonymous blog project I started that is giving me much joy to do;

♥ dim sum with friends at Golden Seafood Restaurant (on West 41st Ave) on Sunday morning;

♥ baking a white-dark-and-peanut butter chocolate and raspberry cheesecake with a friend that is EPICALLY DELICIOUS, and rewatching Big Fish together;

♥ meeting up with my old supervisor and coworkers/awesome friends from my first co-op term and going shopping and chatting with said awesome friends; and,

♥ Skype dating one of my best friends from high school for three hours last night. We only stopped because it was 3 am on her side of the planet and we both needed to go to bed.

Lastly, Sara Bareilles’s ‘Uncharted’ continues to be on constant replay as it captures how I feel lately:


Things I Love Thursday

Today was my last day at work and I feel like my (sort of) holiday can begin in earnest. The last week has been a steady mix of work and play and sick and not sick, so here are some of the play!

(If you can’t see the characters displayed in this post, consider downloading the FNLG font.)

♥ I was listening to the March 8 broadcast of Sne’waylh on Co-op Radio: if you’re curious to hear what hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ sounds like and what you can learn in FNLG classes, you can listen in here.

♥ One of the songs featured in the broadcast mentioned above is ‘Sto:lo Strong’ by Inez Jasper, which you can hear a short clip of on her website or in the broadcast above. 🙂

♥ Another place you can hear hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ is at the Museum of Anthropology. At the entrance to the Multiversity Galleries, there’s a recording in hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ welcoming visitors here; a written version is displayed on the wall in front of you so you can see what you’re hearing. I was there with a couple of friends on Tuesday and was stoked to discover I could understand about half of it without the translation.

♥ Alright, it’s quite obvious I’m in love with the language, so moving right on to another love: baking! Have fresh batches of peanut butter cookies and shortbread, the regular kind with chocolate chip, and the chocolate chip kind with orange zest. Oh, so good.

♥ Discovering how large Calhoun’s really is — those doors are deceiving! All dark wood furniture and lots of space, Calhoun’s serve some decadent desserts, including a light tiramisu that a friend has been encouraging me to try for years.

♥ A friend introduced me to How I Met Your Mother and I’ve been steadily devouring them. Currently midway through Season 2 — don’t spoil anything for me!

♥ Also same wonderful friend and her boyfriend who heard I was sick and made me a super satisfying, delicious get-well soup. 🙂 You guys are gems.

♥ Finally writing letters and emails to all my friends who have been waiting for my responses in the last several months. They have been patient, patient people.

Things I Love Thursday

It’s another beautiful Thursday of another beautiful week, and these are the things that have been sustaining my heart:

♥ Finding strawberries that actually taste like strawberries. Did my world just turn upside-down? Nope, that whoosh was the sound of me eating the whole box in one sitting. Mm, mm!

♥ Opening the notes that my Speakeasy volunteers left me. Totally heartwarming and now posted in a row across the top of my desk so I can see them whenever I want.

♥ When the wind blows, it snows cherry blossom petals. The drifts of sakura lacing the ground.

♥ Doing crosswords, particularly the daily one in the 24H (a free newspaper, for those of you outside Vancouver).

♥ The glow of ink as I press a highlighter across a white page. Yellow is my favourite.

♥ I’ve been gazing at the full moon for the last few nights and thinking how wonderfully full it is, how entire without hesitation.

positively present is a lovely blog that one of my best friends pointed me towards, which posts thoughtful, inspirational and comforting messages almost every day.

♥ Best of all, seeing my oldest friend yesterday. We traversed Pacific Centre, Granville Island and UBC. I can’t recall the number of times we got distracted by something and forgot our previous topic of conversation, moving right on to something else. With some people, the important thing is not so much the content of conversation, but the fact that the talking is happening; it doesn’t matter if we haven’t been in regular touch lately, but we’re still able to pick up where we left off, and it doesn’t feel like much time has passed at all. Sometimes it shocks me to think that we’ve known each other we were five and have been friends for well over half our lives now — and then I’m fiercely glad for it.

Also, she bought me bubbles. Hehehehe. ♥

Things I Love Thursday

You’ve got to look for the things you love when you’re in the midst of exams and papers you really don’t:

♥ The skit my friends and I did for our FNLG final presentation at the Musqueam community potluck last Thursday was a success — everything went smoothly and people laughed in all the right places.

♥ The Speakeasy year-end event went off splendidly last Friday, much to my relief and delight. The food was good, there was plenty of fine entertainment, and the company was marvellous. But I knew that last bit was going to be true anyway.

♥ The ohanami (cherry blossom viewing) picnic my Japanese friend organised last Saturday. We enjoyed ourselves down the avenue of cherry trees just outside Vanier, on Lower Mall.

Sakura trees on Lower Mall, UBC

Anne's White Way of Delight, transported to UBC

The above snapshot was taken a few days before the actual picnic, which proved a grey, but fortunately dry, day.

cherry blossoms

We didn’t realise this until we finished, but we were sitting right under a bird’s nest — no wonder there was an angry crow who kept cawing at us! My apologies, Mama Crow.

♥ Listening to an awesome, mood-lifting playlist I just compiled, while studying. (The first time I’ve put a playlist together. Shocking, I know.)

♥ The delights of a well-stocked fridge and pantry. After whining about getting groceries, I rediscovered the joy of having food at hand. Especially tortilla chips and salsa. Mmm, salsa!

♥ Playing the piano in the Marine Drive ballroom on mornings when the sun is shining and I can see the blue and green world outside.

♥ This cover of Bon Iver’s ‘Skinny Love’ done by the talented fourteen-year-old Birdy:


And most excitedly…

My best friend from home is coming to town next week! I have exactly a day to convince her to relocate to Vancouver. Any suggestions on where I can take her?

Also, recommended vegan dining spots are greatly appreciated as I’m not in the least bit vegan, but would like some places to go where we can eat together!