Category Archives: Things I Love Thursday

Things I Love Thursday

My posts keep messing up the Blog Squad aggregate page. Sorry. Hopefully, this will only go through once, because more than that would be too many hearts even for me.

Highlights of the past week include:

♥ Watching Cavalia with my fellow staff members and having a delicious Caribbean dinner with them afterwards.

♥ Improving from a consistent 12th-place player in Mario Kart for the Wii to coming in 2nd (once)!

♥ The excellent Sonic Boom A Cappella spring concert!

♥ Successfully making cheddar, bacon and green onion muffins for a friend’s birthday (which were a lot more delicious than I expected!).

♥ My brother. I love my brother. Always. Sometimes for no specific reason at all, although this week it’s because he made me French onion soup, nom nom nom.

♥ Working madly with friends to put together what is frankly going to be an awesome skit at the Musqueam potluck tonight. In hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓, no less! I love the First Nations Language program.

♥ Rereading Mary Oliver’s Dream Work and feeling thankful that my obsessive analysis of one person’s poetry isn’t killing my ability to love other poems.

♥ The view of the ocean from my room on sunny days when it glitters at me.

♥ Cherry blossoms and pictures like these:

(If anyone knows where this picture is from, please let me know so I can credit it properly.)

The Vancouver Mokuyokai Society is hosting its 27th annual ohanami (cherry blossom viewing) in Nitobe Memorial Garden this Saturday. Come by and take a look — entrance to Nitobe is free for UBC students!

Mokuyokai Society’s 27th Annual Ohanami
Saturday 9 April 2011, 12:00 noon to 7:00 pm
Nitobe Memorial Garden and Asian Centre

Things I Love Thursday

One evening last week, I was getting off at the UBC bus loop and making my way back to residence. Looking about me at all the people waiting in line, each person with a destination in mind, I felt intensely grateful to have a place I can call my home and shelter to head towards.

It’s good to have all my basic needs fulfilled and be able to have extra love for things like:

♥ My new sketchbook from Michaels. I’ve started drawing again for the first time in years and am feeling better for it.

♥ Catching up with friends during Earth Hour. Catching up, in general.

♥ The smell of warm, clean laundry.

♥ Learning how to email a photo from my iPod. (Yes, I am that technologically non-savvy. I’m also frequently excited about these things.)

♥ Watching WALL-E for class. (When I told my brother this, he said, ‘Is this really worth what your tuition fees?’ Yes. Yes, it totally is.)

Good hair days!

♥ A few years old, but the background song to the ‘Where the Hell Is Matt?’ video always makes me a little homesick:


♥ Which is why I’m looking forward to going back to Hong Kong for a month in the summer to visit the family.

Things I Love Thursday

Spring is in the air and I am just so happy to write my first TILT of the new (for me) year! The gorgeous sunshine and brilliant skies we’ve been having over the last couple of days help, too.

And because I’ll only ever do this once a year, a list of all the lovely birthday goodies giving me joy over the past week:

Prime rib at The Keg; frizzled onions; a handmade, personalised apron; half a dozen cupcakes from Big City Cupcakes; dinner at Shota Sushi; handmade birthday cards!!; Cuban candy; pretty packaging; a lovely woven bookmark from Yunnan that also helps support local women; a gift certificate to Dress911 that stocks dresses I have heretofore only coveted; my free shampoo/shower gel/bubble bath gift from Sephora; gelato from Bella Gelateria; peaches!; a 40% off coupon to Michael’s; donations to DNDi; and cards and surprise packages in the mail!

Thank you!

And on a slightly less self-absorbed and less materialistic note, other joy-inducing things include:

♥ green buds on tree branches that you just know are going to unfold themselves into fresh shoots over the next few weeks;

♥ the shy young cherry blossoms just coming out all across the city;

♥ the truly beautiful Clouds 365 Project which captures cloud shots every day;

♥ blowing bubbles (for the first time in over a decade — clearly I need to invest in bubble solution) with Friend Bernice yesterday lunch break;

♥ discovering the NYC-based online bakery Baking for Good which donates 15% of every sale to a cause of the customer’s choosing, a concept that takes after my heart;

♥ Delta Goodrem’s ‘Brave Face’, a song almost always guaranteed to make me happy;

♥ and last, but by no means least, the support and care of my various mentors and supervisors who are nothing but kindness and understanding.

Have a fabulous weekend, my friends. (Especially if you’re doing UBC Lip Dub!)

Why I write Things I Love Thursdays

A few days after graduating from secondary school and at the beginning of my blissful summer-to-come, I was woken up by the shrill ring of the telephone.

Who was calling at 6 am on a weekday?

‘Meimei,’ my mother began, my family’s name for me, ‘little sister’, shaking me out of my half-sleeping state, ‘something’s happened to your father.’

In those few moments before she went on, there was only freezing and the dread need to know: Is he still alive?

My father had a stroke while on a business trip to China. My mother, also in China for different reasons, travelled overnight to find him. I went up to Tianjin with one of her employees just over twelve hours after she called me. My brother flew back from Vancouver a few days later.

For days, we waited to see if he would pull through safely. We lived on the edge of a world threatening to fall apart in one failed breath. We made plans for the worst and waited to find out if we could even hope for the best. Not being religious, there was no one to ask anything from — just life, that gives what it gives.

We laughed a lot in those days. I don’t really remember what over — probably anything and everything that could relieve the pressure, for a while. A pig-shaped sponge I delighted in doing the dishes with. How much my cousin could eat. The soap operatic qualities of life, when my mother ended up on an IV in hospital a couple of days after my dad, from the toll of the whole situation on her already weak health.

No, I suppose the last one wasn’t that funny, but it wasn’t too serious and we were living by the old adage, ‘Laugh, or you’ll cry.’

Luckily for us, everyone pulled through better than I’d dared to imagine. My father eventually made a 99% recovery. I moved away from home to come here. And we’re all well enough for me to now regularly lecture both of my parents on the importance of taking care of their health whenever they seem to disregard it (which is often) — most recently regaling my dad last week with accounts of a friend’s father who’s had a second stroke and the consequences of that; he swears he’s been exercising more since then.

Life hasn’t stopped happening. I could spend my days, like the girl next to me on the bus yesterday, counting the ways it makes me unhappy — the fruit fly infestation we had a couple of weeks ago, the loss of my UBC library photocopy card with more than $10 on it, the assortment of health issues I’m accumulating this term — or I can write about the things I am glad for:

  • my friends who are willing to listen and support me even when I am not at my best,
  • the continued safety of my friends’ families in Japan,
  • the kindness of a girl in my class who mistook me for being Japanese and asked me if my family was okay,
  • my daily gratitude that I can still say, for now, that yes, they are.

Contrary to popular ignorant belief, I don’t search for the silver lining in the clouds because I’m

a) naturally sunny,

b) faking more optimism than I genuinely feel, or

c) in denial about the reality of life.

I have sat with too many people who have lost loved ones, who have been hurt and broken to the bone, who have wanted, or tried, to die because they couldn’t see a way out, to not be aware of how hard life can be.

Focusing on joy is not being unrealistic: being in denial about the kinder bits of life is just as unrealistic as being in denial about the harsher ones, when all of these exist. It won’t stop you grieving; it won’t stop you dealing with your problems.

But I still do it, to feed my beliefs that life is a beautiful mess of heartbreak and happiness that can still be worth it, and that I have a choice in giving myself enough chance at happiness to tide myself over for the times when it is anything but.

I haven’t been blogging lately because I’m worn out, physically, mentally and emotionally, but I’m trying to piece things back together. Comments on posts may be turned off sporadically until then, in an effort to catch up on reading them, something I am also very much behind in. It’s entirely personal.

In the meantime, please participate in the fundraising efforts going all around campus and throughout the local, national and international communities for Japan. It can be something as simple as dropping your spare change in the Japan Association’s donation box in the SUB — the reason ‘every little bit helps’ exists as a cliche is because it’s true.

Thank you, and have a lovely weekend.

Things I Love Thursday

Every Thursday, I like to post a list of things I’ve been loving lately, as started by Gala Darling. It’s an exercise in cultivating happiness that I enjoy doing.

♥ My brother gave me the complete set of Fawlty Towers DVDs (one of my favourite series!) and a new iPod Touch for my (very early) birthday present! I am spoiled.

♥ Favourite applications so far: WhatsApp and Words with Friends. It is amazing to be able to connect with friends in Hong Kong again.

♥ My tortillas de patatas are getting increasing excellent.

♥ Notebooks, the paper kind. I like to think by writing and have an assortment of notebooks I’ve journalled in over the years. My current one is black with multi-coloured peace signs all over it.

♥ The glorious black sesame gelato from Bella Gelataria — heck, I’ll warrant that any of their flavours are glorious! A friend brought me there for the first time this week and I cannot wait for summer to come and to try their gelato frappes.

♥ Meeting a friend’s adorable furball of a tiny Pomeranian who was all excitement and delight to see so many people to play with.

♥ This isn’t the best quality, but one of my favourite music videos is ‘WINDING ROAD’ by ayaka and Kobukuro. I love it when people are passionate.

♥ Speaking of passion, this has got to be the best cake a six-year-old Angry Birds fan could get:
