” If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?
Being “fully funded” does in no way equate to being fully sustainable and functioning at 100% capacity and efficacy. Though the UN is recognized as an advocate for promoting international co-operation, one sole group cannot possibly be responsible for covering all bases. It works tirelessly to help those in need by undertaking corruption, reforming policies, and creating peace amongst countries yet there are still thousands of problems that slip through the cracks. The Arc Initiative creates smaller-scale connections between nations allowing students with the same passions and drive to unite with others abroad and strengthen these bonds. Not only does this help those overseas, but it also generates a broad awareness to a more diverse group of people that in turn, creates a greater interest for the causes being addressed by social entrepreneurship.
Although money plays a huge role in finding solutions to global issues, this is also greatly dependent on the amount of support and dedication that they receive. By spinning a complex web of connections at every corner of the earth, we strengthen the bonds amongst the diverse networks to open doors for everybody. With this, they are capable of working cohesively with the United Nations to accomplish their goals while utilizing less of their funding.