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An article I read said that Coca-cola received a remarkable sale success in the US over the past ten years time. The strategy of  print people’s name and advocated as “share a drink” seems so customer-central and effective in such a we media world. How can I remark? It is one of the smartest marketing strategy in the 21st century.

Apparently, it is a significant handicap to overwhelmingly defeat its rivals in the taste campaign for Coca-cola and any other soft-drink producers. Nevertheless, how to make our brand outstanding among thousands? Coke’s answer is to make its customers and its latent customers happier and make its rivals’ customers jealous. A specified container design simply dragged coke to a higher level to its competitors.  What’s our feel when we grab a soft drink with our name on it?

Meanwhile, Coke has to think about how to turn their previous market occupation into a long-lasting predominance. Since a bottle design is not something that inimitable, Coca-cola has to be even more brilliant to achieve its true prosperous.


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