“The Ballad of the Landlord”

The goal of my exercise was to familiarize Tessa with three main concepts from the poem, “The Ballad of the Landlord”. As you can see by the visual, I gave an overly detailed mind map to help me with the objective. The visual is broken up into three different sub-sections: social injustice, ‘showing versus telling’, and form. The first two sections deal with an abstract concept and so I tried to represent them in a similar manner. Unfortunately, I felt that whilst Tessa did a great job explaining those concepts, I failed to articulate the ‘show and tell’ to the extent that the images became a visual representation of what I meant. I noticed that as I struggled to explain the concept in a clear manner, Tessa picked up on that and was also less sure of herself when she taught the subject matter. In retrospect, this could have been circumvented if I had given Tessa the poem to read. Perhaps it was the time constraint that led me to forget this important oversight. On the other hand, Tessa was able to teach a poem that she had never read which more than likely will be our reality when we TTOC.

The other point of interest that I hadn’t anticipated was how Tessa approached my visuals from a very analytical perspective. She counted my icons and drew inferences from the number of repetitions. Had I realized and anticipated that it could have been a great opportunity to add detail to the imagery to enhance her ability to retain the information. Her greatest success was in remembering the images that paid careful attention to these nuances.

Mind map 1Poem

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