Author Archives: namrata verma

Assignment 3 Digestive story

I did this activity, during my CFE for grade 10 biology class, In the presentation I used one of my student`s work but now I wrote the similar story here. I asked my students to make a story on the … Continue reading

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The Mask

The mask is a cover, which has two sides front and the back. The front cover is something how you want to show yourself to the world and create your personality that you want the world to see you as. … Continue reading

Posted in MOA Field Trip, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Assignment 2

Posted in Assignment 2 Content Area Text Trade | 1 Comment


LLED 361 Presentation 1- by Nikky,Syuku,Matthew,Michael and Jemmalled 361

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My biology loku

Biodegradation in the ecosystem is a process.

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