Category Archives: Uncategorized

Loku (Biology statistics)

Averages in Excel: Measure averages, equals mean median mode, bracket range data

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Business Haiku

Owner’s capital, like shareholder’s equity, gives utility.

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Kurt Vonnegut

A distant furlough Unbridled consternation The present anguish

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Science 10 Symbiosis haiku

Two species in life, But both neither helped nor harmed, Commensalism

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hypnotize, rebel to assault – provoke – infect ~ investigate! inquire! PROBE

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Language of motion haiku

Speed has magnitude. Put an arrow on top and look, velocity!

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English Haiku

Story elements highlight theme, plot, character develop action

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Perceive majesty Righteousness shedding intent Haste covetousness Alysha & Jillian

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The Indian Act – Residential Schools

Committed to schools Compulsory attendance Indian children

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The quantum numbers Principle quantum number Energy levels

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