Category Archives: Uncategorized

MOA Field Trip – Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun’s Exhibition

I really enjoyed Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun’s exhibition at the MOA. At first I was drawn into the exhibition by the vibrancy and composition of his acrylic paintings but the framing of the subject matter and the contemporary stylistic expression is … Continue reading

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Yuxweluptun’s painting, “I’m Having a Bad Colonial Day.”

The artifact I chose was Yuxweluptun’s painting “I’m Having a Bad Colonial Day.” According to Yuxweluptun, the ovoid form, which is a formal element typical of Northwest Coast Native art, represents an Aboriginal person’s sense of identity, as well as … Continue reading

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What? (An artefact at the Museum of Anthropology, as seen from the back).

What’s in a Canada? Welcome to Canada, said the sign. What’s in a Canada? A country by any other name is not just as sweet. Canucks, said one. I didn’t know what that was. Something you say when you clink … Continue reading

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Sisiyuti lukwalit (House Dish)

The Lukwalit or house dish is wheeled out during potlatches to serve food and other gifts. This object really spoke to me as I observed its intricate carvings as well its mechanical brilliance. This Lukwalit is made in the fashion … Continue reading

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Sea Lion Bowl – MOA

The Heiltsuk nation occupied land and territory surrounding what is known today as Bella Bella. As people occupying land along the coast the waterways of the ocean and freshwater streams are vital to their existence.  These waterways provide vast trade … Continue reading

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The button blanket

The button blanket is  one of the most essential elements of the First Nations ceremonial regalia. They are made with great creativity and pride, and are worn at community gatherings, public celebrations, political protests, and events to show authority at legal … Continue reading

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Efficient Market Hypothesis

EMH Article Article: First 6 lines of Page 1 Para. 1, Page 2 Para. 2 (The efficient…), Page 4 Para. 1 on weak form, Page 5 Para 1 on Semi-strong Form, Page 6-7 Strong form whole section -Leon Lam

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Re-teaching “Watercolour Wash” lesson

Text trade feedback/re-teaching lesson: My partner did a fantastic job teaching the watercolour wash process (explaining the process in simple and straightforward language at a great pace). The visuals were key in providing something concrete to abstract language/process Emphasizing key … Continue reading

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Re-teaching “To Kill A Mockingbird” lesson

Jillian did a fantastic job re-teaching the basic themes of “To Kill A Mockingbird” during Friday’s class. She really understood the basic concepts of the novel and provided a very strong explanation, all the while making connections to the plot … Continue reading

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