Part 3 – Density Dilemma Problem

Task 1: Density Dilemma Problem

Read through the problem that your group will need to solve.

Imagine that you are living in Europe in the Middle Ages. You have been summoned by the king of your land to help in a very important matter. Someone has stolen the king’s solid gold crown. The king has issued a proclamation offering a reward of 500 gold coins for the safe return of his crown. The problem is that the king has received 5 crowns that appear to be made of pure gold and are identical to the missing crown. Your job is to correctly identify the gold crown, and persuade the King why your identification is scientifically accurate.  

Additional Information:

  • All 5 crowns appear identical and have a volume of 180 cm3.
  • The 5 crowns have the following different masses:
    • Crown 1 – 1903 g
    • Crown 2 – 480 g
    • Crown 3 – 1421 g
    • Crown 4 – 3457 g
    • Crown 5 – 2034 g

Task 2: Crown of Syracuse – YouTube Video

Watch the YouTube video “Crown of Syracuse”.  This will help your group in answering Density Dilemma Problem.


Task 3: Predict which crown you think is the right one.

Each of your team members is to write down, in their own Individual Density Dilemma Activity Sheet, which crown they think will be the correct crown made of pure gold.  They are to also explain why they think that crown is the correct on.  Once completed, the recorder will write down each of the predictions into the Group Density Dilemma Activity Sheet.

Task 4:  Which is the Correct Crown?

Discuss with your group members how you are going to solve the problem.  Have the recorder write down any information or solutions you find onto your Group Density Dilemma Activity Sheet. How do you know which crown is the correct one?  Have the recorder write down what your group had deduced as the correct crown in the Group Density Dilemma Activity Sheet.

Task 5: Write a Letter to the King

Write a formal letter to the King, persuading him that you have identified the real gold crown using scientifically accurate information. Be certain to use supporting evidence that your group came up with.

  • Have your letter writer produce the story, but everyone has input into the letter.
  • You may use the computer to write the letter and be as creative as you like.  You may add pictures or other diagrams to help in your explanation.

Task 6: Discussion Questions

Answer the following questions on your Individual Density Dilemma Activity Sheet:

  1. Were your predictions correct about which crown was the one made out of pure gold?  If not, explain why.
  2. Explain what density means to you now.  Is it different than when we first started this activity?  If yes, how so?
  3. What were each of the four remaining crowns made of?
  4. Formulate a hypothesis as to how you think the fake crowns were made to look like the crown of pure gold.  Remember that you are living in the Middle Ages!

Archimedes yelling “Eureka”!